
​​​​​​​Cuba present at the 2024 edition of the race for peace in gothenburg

Stockholm, September 22, 2022—Once again, Cuba was present at the central edition of the Race for Peace (Fredsloppet) held in Gothenburg, organized by the Proletaren FF Sports Club.

This edition, dedicated to solidarity with the Palestinian and Cuban peoples, was marked by the impressive number of people who responded to the call for peace. Alongside Palestinian flags and the rejection of the genocide in Gaza, Cuban flags waved, carried by friends in solidarity as a visible show of support for the Island.

Peace Run in Stockholm: Solidarity with Palestine and Cuba

Stockholm, September 14, 2023 – On September 14, a new edition of the Peace Run was held in Sundbyberg, Stockholm, this time dedicated to the causes of Palestine and Cuba. The event gathered more than 300 participants of all ages, exceeding the turnout of previous editions, and established itself as a manifestation of solidarity and commitment to just causes and to peoples suffering from injustice and oppression.

Letter from Ignacio Ramonet to Joe Biden demands that Cuba be removed from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism

The letter was supported by the renowned Latin American cultural and intellectual institution, Casa de Las Américas, based in Havana, which calls on writers, artists, cultural promoters, academics, activists and social fighters, members of non-governmental organizations and people sensitive to the daily suffering of the Cuban people to support this noble initiative with their signature.

Cuba denounces negative impact of coercive measures in development

New Delhi, August 17, 2024.- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez said today that coercive measures such as the US blockade against the Caribbean island are a serious obstacle to the full achievement of economic and social development.

In his speech at the Third Summit of the Voice of the Global South, organized virtually by India, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Caribbean island called for multiplying solidarity and cooperation in the face of coercion, unilateralism and selfishness.

From Sweden, friends from all over the country paid tribute to Fidel Castro on the occasion of his 98th birthday.

Stockholm, Sweden – This August 13, 2024, the 98th Anniversary of the birth of our historical leader Fidel Castro Ruz was commemorated. Numerous friends and supporters from all over Sweden joined this celebration, sharing messages on social media full of admiration and respect for the life and legacy of our Commander.

Among the messages received, those from several colleagues from the Solidarity Network with Latin America (RESOCAL), from the Swedish-Cuban Friendship Association, as well as from Cubans residing in Sweden, stand out.
