
Dies Comrade Comrade Ahmed Kathrada

Fidel and Comrade Ahmed Kathrada

The Embassy of Cuba conveys to the people and the government of South Africa its heartfelt condolences for the death of Comrade Ahmed Kathrada, a solid stalwart of the struggle against racism and oppression. From Jose Marti, Cuba’s National Hero, we learned that “there are men that, even after death, continue to provide the light of dawn”.

Solidarity with Cuba in South Africa

solidarity event

The role of culture as a form of resistance was the title of the panel that brought together representatives of several countries, gathered around solidarity with Cuba, Palestine, and the Saharawi and Swazi people.


Cuba´s vice President of the Council of State, Salvador Valdés Mesa will pay an official visit to South Africa from January 31 to February 2, 2017, within the mutual aim of consolidating the political and economic links between the two countries. He will meet with Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, and review with South African officials the state of the bilateral cooperation and the conditions to expand it as an example of south-south cooperation.

Faithful to the concept of Revolution

cubanos firman concepto Revolucion

Representatives of the Cuban State Mission in South Africa swear allegiance to the Revolution and to Fidel. They vowed to be faithful to the concept of Revolution of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

Pedro Arteaga, Chargé d' Affaires, a.i. read the document that reflects the willingness to be faithfull to the Revolution ideas.

Officials from the Embassy and Cuban proffessionals serving in South Africa signed the pledge.
