On Saturday, June 17, was read at the Cuban Embassy the response of the Cuban Government to the measures announced by the President of the United States. Donald Trump at a Miami Theater on Friday afternoon as part of his policy of reversing the gains made during the Obama administration. Officials from the Embassy and part of the Cuban Medical Brigade working in Harare were present.
In the afternoon of today Wednesday, June 14, Cuban Ambassador Elio Savón Oliva met with the Principal Director of the Ministry of Sports and Recreation of Zimbabwe, Dr. Benson Martins Dube. This meeting is a further step towards the implementation of an agreement signed between INDER and the MSR last September. Dr. Benson Martins Dube clarified that his ministry´s main interest is sports medicine. "We have several universities with a good development in the sport, but sports medicine is our challenge," he said. He also commented on his intentions to invite Dr. Jorge Pavel Pino Rivero, director of the Institute of Sports Medicine of Cuba, to share with the country's associations and universities on the subject. Today's meeting laid the foundations for future cooperation with Zimbabwe in that field and is the first step in the implementation of the MoU signed between INDER and the Zimbabwe´s Ministry of Sport and Recreation.