
The Embassy of Cuba in Iran celebrated April the 4th with joy

The Embassy of Cuba in Iran celebrated April the 4th with joy

Chanting the theme song of the campaign for the 55th anniversary of UJC "Gallo de Pelea", performed by the musical groups Moncada, Buena Fe and Casabe, the small staff of the Embassy of Cuba in Tehran began the activity to celebrate the 56th and 55th anniversaries of Jose Marti Pioneers Organization (OPJM) and Young Communist League (UJC), respectively.


Cuba is present at Tehran Nowruz Festival

Cuba is present at Tehran Nowruz Festival

The Cuban Embassy’s staff visited Tehran Milad Tower, where the Nowruz Festival is taking place. Nowruz is a typical holiday that marks the beginning of the New Year, according to the Persian calendar.

Along with the exhibition of artistic and cultural manifestations of different regions of the Persian nation, a pavilion was allocated for hosting Iranian Friendship Associations with other Countries. Each association offers there to the audience an allegorical image of the country which represent and samples of handicrafts and local products of those foreign cultures.

Iranian solidarity friends prepare to visit Cuba

Iranian solidarity friends prepare to visit Cuba

Iranian friends representing organizations of solidarity with Cuba in the Persian nation are preparing to visit our country in the coming days, where they will fulfill programs arranged by their host, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP).


Embassy of Cuba contributes to the cause of the environment in Tehran

Embassy of Cuba contributes to the cause of the environment in Tehran

The Vice-President of the Republic and President of the Organization for Environmental Protection, Dr. Masume Ebtekar, chaired the official ceremony of planting the amity tree in the surrounding area of the emblematic Milad Tower, to contribute to preserve the Tehran’s environment.


The ceremony was attended by members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Persian nation and Cuba was represented by Ambassador Vladimir Gonzalez Quesada, who was accompanied by the Counselor in charge of Consular Affairs, Rebeca Fernandez Nuñez.

