
The Caribbean can always count on Cuba

The Caribbean Can Always Count on Cuba

Submitted by editor on Fri, 03/10/2017 - 12:24

Opening speech by Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Cuba Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla at the twenty second ordinary meeting of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) Council of Ministers


First ACS Cooperation Conference inaugurated in Havana

First ACS Cooperation Conference Inaugurated

Submitted by editor on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 18:36


CUBA, March 8, 2017. – Focusing on the struggle against climate change, transport, and maritime connectivity, the 1st Cooperation conference of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) is kicking off today in Havana.

As Cuba’s Vice-minister of Foreign AffairsRogelio Sierra said these two areas of the ACS work will be at the core of the debates in this first meeting to take place in Habana Libre Tryp hotel in the Cuban capital city.

The Cuban Vice-minister said on a press conference, that essential topics for the area like tourism and trade will be discussed at the event.


Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago attends the welcoming reception to the Cuban National Folkloric Ensemble

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago attends the welcoming reception to  the National Folkloric Ensemble of Cuba.

Port of Spain, March 5. - The National Folkloric Group of Cuba began its work program in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago with a colorful and emotional welcome by its Trinidadian hosts, an event which included the presence of the Honorable Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, and two other Trinidadian ministers from the Portfolios of Commerce and Public Works. The Cuban cultural delegation, made up of 35 artists and directors of the laureate company, arrives in Trinidad and Tobago, invited by the "Success Laventille" Secondary School, located in one of the humblest regions of the Trinidadian capital, which has been promoting and leading a fruitful educational-cultural program which began in 2015 with the visit to Cuba of his musical band of Steel Pan, a national Trinidadian instrument. To achieve its objective, Success Laventille School has enjoyed the enthusiastic support of the Cuban Embassy in the Caribbean country and the Ministry of Education and the Trinidadian Chancellery, as well as the sponsorship of a diverse representation of public and private companies of the Caribbean country.


Cubans get Laventille hospitality


Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, Laventille West MP Fitzgerald Hinds, Laventille East/Morvant MP Adrian Leonce and Trade and Industry minister Paula Gopee Scoon were among guests at the official welcome for El Con junto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba, held at Success Laventille Secondary School 011 March 5.

Success Laventille Secondary School launched its Cuba-Trinidad and Tobago Educational and Cultural Exchange, reciprocal visit with the approval of the Ministry of Education.

In 2015, Success Laventille Sec- ondary School and its Steel Or- chestra, Success Stars Pan Sounds

visited Cuba on the invitation of the Cuban Institute of Music and Government of Cuba.




Ode to the Revolution - Tribute to 'El Comandante' Fidel Castro Ruz

The Association of Caribbean States paid tribute to late Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, a towering figure in Caribbean and world history. The diplomatic corps gathered at the ACS Secretariat in Port-of-Spain on February 9th, to honour Fidel Castro in speech and song, and to look at the documentary Oda a la Revolución, by filmmaker Roberto Chile. Here is a photo gallery of the event. The event was streamed on our Facebook page. Here is the link:
