
Canciller de Belice recibe Copias de Estilo de la nueva embajadora cubana.

Belmopán, 18 de octubre de 2021.- La Embajadora de Cuba, María Caridad Balaguer Labrada, presentó las Copias de Estilo como Embajadora designada en Belice al Excmo. Sr. Eamon Courtenay, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Exterior e Inmigración.  

En el  encuentro se destacaron los lazos históricos de amistad que comparten ambos pueblos y gobiernos, y se reafirmó la voluntad común de continuar fortaleciendo la cooperación bilateral.

Estuvieron presentes además, la Viceministra de Relaciones Exteriores, Embajadora Amalia Mai y el Segundo Secretario de la Embajada de Cuba, Gustavo Aguinaga Linares. (Embacuba Belice)

The Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. John Briceño, did reference to the illegal blockade of the US against Cuba at the 76 UNGA.

“Mr. President,

The persistent call of the General Assembly over three decades to end the illegal embargo against the Cuban people has been ignored.

The Cuban people are forced to carve out their sustainable development under the burden of the illegal, unilateral economic, commercial and financial embargo.

The new measures imposed by the past US administration and now continued and widened by the present one during a pandemic are unbelievably cruel and inhumane.

Message of Solidarity by the graduate in Cuba in 2021 Dr. Karishma Raju.

Message of Solidarity by Dr. Karishma Raju

It was truly something special to receive the opportunity to study medicine in Cuba. Seven years later here I am, a doctor in medicine, a recent graduate from Cuba, a proud Belizean, born and raised in the little hidden gem known as Punta Gorda Town. I owe it all to Cuba, for their constant effort to build relations and give opportunities to underdeveloped countries.

Government of Belize issues statement on US embargo on Cuba

Posted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021. 7:40 pm CST.

By BBN Staff: The Government of Belize issued an official statement of solidarity with the Government and people of Cuba, calling the embargo imposed by the United States “illegal.”

GOB noted that the United Nations recently affirmed that the embargo is a gross violation of international law when 184 countries voted that it should be ended at the UN General Assembly back in June.
