In Sydney the Coro Austral in concert for the 35th Anniversary of Bilateral Relations and Cuban Culture
Sydney, 4 de octubre de 2024.
A concert of Cuban music to commemorate 35 years of Cuba-Australia diplomatic relations
3.00pm Saturday 26th October at Leichhardt Town Hall
You are invited to a concert showcasing Cuban choral and vocal music at its best, commemorating a significant event in the history of Cuba-Australia relations. At the same time you will be helping to support education and music in Cuba.
Friends of Cuba promote participation in Southern Cross Brigade at Australian National University
Canberra, 27 September 2024. The documentary ‘Cuba Reverdece’ was screened at the Australian National University by the ACFS Canberra branch. The event was attended by a group of young people who were able to learn about the history of the ‘Cruz del Sur’ Brigade and the participation of the Australian people for more than 40 years in different social projects in Cuba.
Cuban Ambassador visits the headquarters of the National Archives of Australia facilities
Canberra, September 16, 2024. The Cuban Ambassador to Australia had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the headquarters of the National Archives of Australia.
During the tour she was able to learn about the documentary heritage that this beautiful institution treasures and exchange on the possibilities of cooperation with the Cuban counterpart institution.
Cuban Ambassador participates in official Central American Independence Day Ceremony
Canberra, September 16, 2024. The Cuban Ambassador to Australia participated this morning in the official flag-raising ceremony for the 203rd anniversary of the independence of Central American countries.
At the event she conveyed congratulations on behalf of the government and people of Cuba to the ambassadors of El Salvador, Costa Rica and Guatemala, accredited in Australia.