Cuba in Australia

Cuban Ambassador meets with new COALAR Board of Directors at Australian Foreign Ministry headquarters

Canberra, March 28, 2023. The Cuban Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia met this afternoon with the new board of directors of the Council on Australia-Latin America Relations (COALAR). The meeting was held at the Australian Foreign Ministry headquarters and was attended by DFAT Latin America Director Diana Nelson and APEC and Latin America Director General John Larkin, as well as other ambassadors from the Latin American region and several foreign ministry officials. 

Australia-Cuba Friendship Society issues statement in support of Cuba and against the blockade

Canberra, 27 March 2024. The Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (ACFS) issued a statement in support of the Cuban Revolution and its people in the face of the destabilizing attempts of the United States government. 

The statement expresses a firm rejection of the blockade against Cuba and the immoral inclusion of the Island in the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.

See the complete text here.

Cuba Solidarity Association in Perth issues statement and condemns the blockade 


Perth, March 25, 2024. The Perth branch of the Asutralian Cuba Friendship Society, issued today a statement against the Blockade and in support of the Cuban Revolution and its people, in the face of the destabilizing attempts of the United States. 

The statement expresses a firm rejection to the inclusion of Cuba in the list of countries sponsoring terrorism and supports the Cuban people in their struggle to maintain their independence and sovereignty. 

See the full communiqué here

