Science for a Healthy Life
BioHabana 2022's main objective is to carry out a translation exercise of Life Sciences in Business Development, in a new worldwide scientific context, of innovation management and of health. The biological sciences are undergoing fundamental transformations, a situation similar to those of physics at the beginning of the 20th century.
Cubamotricidad 2022
“Manuel Fajardo” Science University of Sports and Physical Culture, The Minister of Higher Education and The World Organization of Education, Stimulation and Childhood Development (OMEEDI), , along with International Universities, Organizations and Institutions convoke to Cubamotricidad 2022, Congress of Sports and Physical Activity which will be held from October 24 to 27 in 2022. This edition is devoted to Caribbean countries; the place of the event will be America Square Convention Center in Varadero.
Tribute paid in Austria to the National Hero of Cuba
Vienna, January 28, 2022. With the notes of the National Anthem, the tribute to José J. Martí Pérez began, on the occasion of the 169th anniversary of his birth by the Embassy of Cuba, the Austria-Cuba Friendship Association “ÖKG ” and of Cubans residing in Austria, before the bust of the National Hero of Cuba located in the Plaza de los Próceres Latinoamericanos del Parque del Danubio.
Association of Cuban Residents in Austria donates medical supplies to a hospital in Cuba
Vienna, January 24, 2022. Members of the association of Cubans residing in Austria, CUBA VA and RITMO Tropical - Salsa Cubana with Luis Estevez, made a donation of medicines, expendable material, means of protection among other products necessary for medical assistance, to the “Lucia Iñiguez Landin” Surgical Clinical Hospital, in the province of Holguín.
Thank you so much!!!
#TogetherWeCan #Covid19 #cubasalva #Cuba
(EmbaCuba Austria/Cubaminrex)