Cuba in Belize

Belize in solidarity with Cuba in the face of energy emergency

Belmopan, Oct 21 (Prensa Latina).- The government of Belize today expressed solidarity with Cuba in the face of the energy contingency that affected that country and linked that situation with the limitations of the island as a result of the hostile policy of the United States.

Through a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the authorities of Belmopan regretted that since October 18 the Antillean nation has been facing massive blackouts throughout its territory.

They exchange in Belize on areas of cooperation on climate change.

Belmopan, October 18, 2024.- The Minister of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Orlando Habet and VM Kendrick Williams received a delegation from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA), as part of the bilateral collaboration on climate change.

Cuban Party Leader Holds Exchange with Belizean Ambassador.

Havana, October 16, 2024.- Comrade Emilio Lozada Garcia, head of the Department of International Relations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, held a cordial exchange with Ann Lou Burns, ambassador of Belize to Cuba.

During the meeting, both parties agreed to continue strengthening working relations with the United People's Party and expand them in areas of common interest such as youth, women's equality and the peasant sector.

Cuban Culture Day begins in Belize.

Belmopan, October 10, 2024.- The collectives that make up the Cuban state mission in Belize began the Day for Cuban Culture, which on this occasion is dedicated to honoring the outstanding intellectual Alejo Carpentier and art instructors.
