Cuba in Bulgaria

Най-подробни доказателства за това и широка панорама за причиняваното на кубинците от блокадата на САЩ представи в речта си преди гласуването в Общото събрание кубинският външен министър БРУНО РОДРИГЕС. Предлагаме тук пълния ѝ текст.

Господин председателю, Ваши Превъзходителства, уважаеми делегати,

Блокадата нарушава правото на живот, здраве, образование и благополучие на всички кубинци. Нашите семейства го усещат чрез недостига в магазините, дългите опашки, прекомерните цени или обезценените заплати.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry denounced a terrorist attack against the Cuban embassy in the United States.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry denounced a terrorist attack perpetrated on the night of Sunday, September 24 against the Cuban embassy in the United States. Apparently, an individual threw two Molotov cocktails. So far, no injuries to personnel have been reported and details are being clarified.

It is the second violent attack against the Cuban diplomatic headquarters in Washington since April 2020. On that occasion, an individual fired an assault rifle at the headquarters.


Cuba counters human trafficking operations aimed for military recruitment purposes.

The Ministry of the Interior has detected and it is working to neutralize and dismantle a human trafficking network that operates from Russia in order to incorporate Cuban citizens living there and even some living in Cuba, into the military forces that participate in military operations in Ukraine. Attempts of this nature have been neutralized and criminal proceedings have been initiated against those involved in these activities.
