Cuba in Canada

Consul General of Cuba in Toronto met with executives of the Hispanic Canadian Heritage Council (HCHC)

A profitable exchange was held with the main directors of the Hispanic Canadian Heritage Council (HCHC) at the Cuban Consulate in Toronto, where Consul General Jorge Yanier Castellanos received Oscar Vigil, executive director of the HCHC, and his project coordinator, Kelly Arévalo.


The purpose of the meeting was to take stock of the work developed during 2022, analyze the main ways to expand the presence of Cuban culture in this city by 2023 and study potential joint collaboration actions with different institutions.


24-hour Global Virtual Picket to End the U.S. Blockade on Cuba! Marking the 30th United Nations vote condemning the U.S. blockade on Cuba!

In June 2021, for 29th consecutive time, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted overwhelmingly (184 in favour, 3 abstentions, and 2 against) against the immoral U.S. blockade on Cuba. On November 2 and 3, 2022, the UNGA will vote again and as expressed by Ike Nahem, lead Cuba solidarity organizer in New York, "this will be the 30th consecutive vote in which the world community will once again overwhelmingly condemn the cruel and unjust U.S. blockade against Cuba!"


XV National Meeting of Cuban Residents in Canada.

On October 29 afternoon, the XV National Meeting of Cuban Residents in Canada was held virtually. The event was also attended by supportive friends of Cuba, who constantly support the associations of Cubans living in Canada and contribute to the defense of the principles of the Revolution.


Presentation of a book on the October Crisis

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the October Crisis, Pathfinder Books Montreal held the presentation of the books “Haciendo Historia” (Interviews with four generals of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces) and October 1962 La crisis de los misiles vista desde Cuba by Tomás Diez Acosta. In this public meeting a panel was held where the three speakers presented their analysis from different perspectives and then a pleasant exchange took place with the participants.


XV National Meeting of Cubans Residing in Canada

Ottawa, October 28, 2022.  On the afternoon of Saturday, October 29, the XV National Meeting of Cuban Residents in Canada will be held virtually, as a continuation of the XIV Meeting held in May 2021. Organized on this occasion by Cubans living in Montreal, the event will be able to count on the participation of compatriots living in several cities of the Canadian nation.

