
Solidarity group condemns in Liberia intensification of US blockade and the complicit silence of US in the face of armed attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington.

Monrovia, October 31, 2020 - The Liberia-Cuba solidarity group denounced the complicit silence of the US government and the evasion of justice for those guilty of terrorism against Cuba, while a growing intensification of the blockade against Cuba, which has lasted more than six decades, is taking place.

In a statement, the solidarity group expressed its support for the Cuban people in their six-decade struggle against the economic blockade and the aggressive US policy against Cuba.

Cuban Head of Mission and Advisor to the Liberian Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Americas have positive exchange.

Monrovia, October 27, 2020.- The Cuban Chief of Mission in this West African nation, Mercedes L. Martínez Herrera, and the Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Americas, Honorable Maxwell P. Vah, held an exchange in which they discussed various topics of the events in both nations and highlighted the bilateral links between them.

Liberian journal echoes Cuban Foreign Minister's Press Conference on the Impact of the US Blockade against Cuba during the last year.

Monrovia, October 25, 2020 - The Liberian diary "Liberia News" publishes an article entitled "US trade embargo causes 144 billion USD in losses for Cuban economy", which is based on the recent Press Conference given by Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla on the impact of the blockade against Cuba.

Cuba represented at the United Nations Day celebration in Liberia.

Monrovia, October 24, 2020 - The Head of the Cuban Diplomatic Mission in Liberia, Mercedes L. Martínez Herrera, attended to the celebration of the United Nations Day, which took place in Monrovia, in the building of this international organization.

With the theme "The future we want, the United Nations we need: reaffirming our collective commitment to multilateralism by confronting COVID-19 through multilateral action", the celebration of this day in Liberia took place, with the participation of President George Weah.

Liberian press highlights the work of the Henry Reeve Brigade on the 6th anniversary of their arrival in Liberia.

Monrovia, October 22, 2020 - The Liberian newspaper "Daily Observer" published a positive article on the work of the Henry Reeve Brigade in the fight against Ebola in Liberia.

With the title "A look at the impact of the Cuban medical brigade Henry Reeve", its author Joaquin Sendolo refers to the arrival of the Cuban brigade 6 years ago to Liberia to fight the deadly Ebola virus.

Cuban Embassy in Liberia remembers the 6th Anniversary of the arrival of the Henry Reeve Brigade to combat Ebola in Liberia.

Monrovia, October 22, 2020.- On a day like today, but in the year 2014, the Henry Reeve Cuban Medical Brigade arrived in Liberia composed of epidemiologists, intensive care physicians, general practitioners, surgeons, pediatricians, nurses and intensive care nurses, anesthesiologists and nursing graduates, to help treat the victims of Ebola in the West African country.

The arrival of this brigade was marked by a strong sense of solidarity from the Cuban government with Liberia.

Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism of Liberia congratulates Cuba on Cuban Culture Day.

Monrovia, October 20, 2020 - This afternoon, the Head of the Cuban Diplomatic Mission in Liberia, Mercedes L. Martínez Herrera, paid a courtesy visit to the newly appointed Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism of the Republic of Liberia, Hon. Ledgerhood J. Rennie.

During the meeting, which was arranged as a celebration of the "Day of Cuban Culture", one of the topics that prevailed was Cuban culture, its origin and determining role of the Cuban revolution in cultural development.


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