#Cuba #CubaÁfrica #Namibia

Visitan diplomáticos cubanos la 9 na Edición de Exposición Minera en Namibia.

Namibia. - Organizada por la Cámara de Minas de Namibia se desarrolló del 31 de agosto al 1 de septiembre la principal exposición minera de este año en la ciudad de Windhoek, capital del país, contando con la asistencia de cientos de visitantes diarios, entre ellos las del embajador cubano Sidenio Acosta Aday y del consejero a cargo de las oficinas política y económico comercial, Rodolfo Ricardo Guzmán.

Cubans and Namibians honor the Commander in Chief on the anniversary of his death.

Cubans and Namibians honor the Commander in Chief on the anniversary of his death.

Namibia, November 25th, 2019- With the presence of Ambassador Sidenio Acosta and Martha Shilyomunhu, principal of the “Fidel Castro Ruz” Elementary School, the members of the Cuban State Mission in Namibia, together with members of the Namibia -Cuba Friendship Association and "Patria" Association of Cuban Residents, paid tribute to the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution three years after his physical disappearance.

Cuba participates in the annual meeting of the WIDF Committee in Namibia.

Cuba participates in the annual meeting of the WIDF Committee in Namibia.

Namibia, August 9th, 2019 - The annual meeting of the Committee of the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) was inaugurated today in Windhoek, capital of Namibia. In the event, wihch will be held until next day 12, participates representatives of women’s organizations members of the WIDF, belonging to about twenty countries, including Cuba.

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