Cuban Ambassador participates in the Inaugural Conference of the Association of Parliamentarians for Peace.

New Delhi, April 7, 2017. The Cuban Ambassador to India, Oscar Martínez Cordovés attended the Inaugural Conference of the Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, held this day at the seat of Parliament. The theme of the activity was "The critical challenges of our times: the role of governments, civil society and grassroots organizations".

The activity was chaired by Prof. P. J. Kurian, vice-president of the Upper House, who spoke on behalf of the president of that chamber and the Vice-President of the Republic, M. H. Ansari.

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The Embassy of Cuba in Iran celebrated April the 4th with joy

The Embassy of Cuba in Iran celebrated April the 4th with joy

Chanting the theme song of the campaign for the 55th anniversary of UJC "Gallo de Pelea", performed by the musical groups Moncada, Buena Fe and Casabe, the small staff of the Embassy of Cuba in Tehran began the activity to celebrate the 56th and 55th anniversaries of Jose Marti Pioneers Organization (OPJM) and Young Communist League (UJC), respectively.


Fidel's solidarity with the Palestinian cause is evoked in Copenhagen

Cuban Ambassador in Denmark during the celebration of the 48th anniversary of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

On the occasion of the celebration of the 48th anniversary of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP, branch Denmark), which took place on Saturday, April 1, the Palestinian Ambassador to this European country, Dr. Muffed Shami, highlighted the historical solidarity provided Cuba has provided to his people, and in particular stressed the friendship and unconditional support given by  the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, to the Palestinian cause, to which he dedicated very moving words due to his death on November 25th last.

Students discuss about Sustainable Tourism Development in Cuba at Aalborg University, campus Copenhagen

Ambassador of Cuba to Denmark attends to the final presentation of master's degree students at Aalborg University, campus Copenhagen

In the context of the Master's degree program "Global Tourism Development" offered by the University of Aalborg, campus Copenhagen, the Cuban Ambassador to Denmark was invited to the presentation of the projects developed by a group of students on the theme "Sustainable Tourism Development in Cuba ". The discussion took place on March 30th and projects were focused on the area of ​​Viñales, Pinar del Río.

The Parliament of Cuba strengthening links with India and Bangladesh.

New Delhi, March 30 2017. A delegation of the National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba (ANPP, Parliament) visited India from 26 to 29 March to exchange experiences and reinforce working links with Indian Parliament.

The chairwoman of the ANPP's International Relations Commission, Yolanda Ferrer, told Prensa Latina the visit was aimed at increasing bilateral links. The Cuban delegation was also integrated by deputies Lázaro Barredo and Surina Acosta, accompanied by Jesus Rafael Mora, official of the Commission of International Relations of the ANPP.

Minister of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia welcomes Cuban Ambassador.

Ulaanbaatar. March 30, 2017. Ms. D. Oyunkhorol, Minister of Tourism and Environment of Mongolia, welcomed the Ambassador of Cuba to Mongolia, Raúl Delgado Concepción, in the morning. The Cuban Ambassador updated the Minister on tourism development on the island and the challenges facing today the sector considered the engine of the current Cuban economy from the sustained increase in the arrival of tourists to the main tourist destinations in Cuba.


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