Cuba-Michigan Day celebrated in Washington D.C.

On June 6, in the Embassy of Cuba in the United States, an event took place on the occasion of the celebration of the Cuba-Michigan Day, which was attended by personalities of different sectors of that State, including representatives of the federal and state Congress and other local authorities, leaders and members of important companies of the business sector, agricultural organizations and academic institutions of Michigan, among others.

Cuba and Mongolia to develop cooperation on the mining industry

Ulaanbaatar. June 6, 2017. His Excellency, Mr Zagdjav Deleg, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Mines and Heavy Industry of Mongolia, received today the Ambassador of Cuba Raúl Delgado Concepción at the headquarters of this Ministry. Mr. Zagdajav, who is also President of the Mongol Organization for Peace and Friendship (OMPA), held a fruitful working meeting with the Cuban Ambassador in which they discussed issues of mutual interest regarding possibilities for cooperation and exchange of work in the area of ​​mining and geological research.

Remarks of H.E. Mr. Juan Antonio Fernández Palacios in the opening of the Exhibit entitled “Changes in Cuba. Work and life in transition” organized by the Austrian Trade Union Confederation


I appreciate the invitation the Austrian Trade-union Confederation (ÖGB) and particularly, Marcus Ströhmeier and Sabine Stelczenmayr have extended to me on the occasion of the inauguration of an exhibit devoted to the Cuban Trade Union. I welcome the presence of the veteran comrade Gilda Chacón Bravo from the Division of International Relations of the Cuban Trade Union who is participating as a panellist in this meeting.

Speech delivered by the Minister of Sciences, Technology and Environment in the International Conference on the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme: Sixty Years and Beyond – Contributing to Development

Distinguished Mr. Yukiya Amano, Director General of IAEA

Distinguished Members of the Presidency

Distinguished Invitees

Cuba appreciates the great honor to have the floor in this session of the International Conference on the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme: Sixty Years and Beyond and takes this opportunity to express its recognition to all personnel of the Division of Technical Cooperation for these 60 years of hard and fruitful work.

Cuba present in "Open Day" organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mongolia.

Cuba present in "Open Day" organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mongolia.

Ulaanbaatar. 30 May 2017. The Hon. Mr. Munkh-Orgil, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, visited the stand of the Embassy of Cuba at the "Open Day" organized by the Foreign Ministry in the central Sukhbaatar Square. This event is held annually and involves the Embassies and Representations of the International of Organizations accredited in Ulaanbaatar, to present the best components of their work in Mongolia as well as the culture, gastronomy, art and life of these countries.

Indonesia and Cuba sign Memorandum of Understanding on Health Cooperation

Indonesia and Cuba sign Memorandum of Understanding on Health Cooperation

Geneva, May 24, 2017. The Minister of Health of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Nila F Moeloek and the Vicepresident of the Council of State of Cuba and Minister of Public Health Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Health Cooperation. The document becomes the legal basis for the realization of concrete projects that develop links in this area.

Cuban President congratulates Hassan Rouhani on his re-election

Cuban President congratulates Hassan Rouhani on his re-election

The president of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, Army General Raul Castro Ruz, sent a message to Dr. Hassan Rouhani, on the occasion of his re-election as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, following the elections held in the Persian nation on Friday May 19th.


In this message the president extended cordial congratulations on behalf of the Cuban people and Government, ratifying the will to continue strengthening relations of friendship and cooperation between Cuba and Iran.


Agreement signed in Mongolia for the extensive application of BIORAT produced by LABIOFAM.

Ulaanbaatar. May 19, 2017. With the presence of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry of Mongolia, Mr. Bayartulga Lkhagvasuren was signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute of Plant Research of that Ministry and the Cuban company Labiofam Viet Nam for the extensive application of biological rodenticide BIORAT in agriculture. The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said during the signing that that more than 70 thousand hectares are affected today by rodents which cause in Mongolia great damage to their livestock production.


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