Cuba and Iran ratify their willingness to continue consolidating collaboration in the multilateral sphere

Cuba and Iran ratify their willingness to continue consolidating collaboration in the multilateral sphere

Cuban Ambassador Vladimir Gonzalez Quesada held his first meeting with the Director General for Political Affairs and International Security at the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Dr. Hossein Dehghani, who has just assumed this responsibility after serving as Alternate Ambassador of the Iranian mission to United Nations.


Chief Minister of Kerala, India, receives the Cuban Ambassador.

New Delhi, April 16, 2017. Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister of the State of Kerala, welcomed the Cuban ambassador to India, Oscar Martínez Cordovés, in view of the historical ties that have existed between our country and that state which is actually led by a Left government.

The meeting,that took place in a fraternal atmosphere, was conducive to examining issues on the bilateral agenda regarding the potential for the development of economic ties and the cooperation in general.

The legacy of Fidel Castro continues in India

New Delhi, 15th April 2017. Several social, and educational organizations and trade union in India highlighted the work and legacy of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, while condemning the blockade of the United States against the island in the framework of a visit to India by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People’s (ICAP) led by the prominent journalist and writer Marta Rojas, and the presence of Yexenia Calzado, an ICAP official.

Meeting on Cuba and Venezuela in the context of TUC Black Workers

UNITED KINGDOM,  7th April, 2017. - As in previous years, the fringe meeting on Cuba and Venezuela was held today in the context of the Trades Union Congress for black people and minorities of British workers.

During the event, supported by Cuba and Venezuela solidarity campaigns, Teresita Vicente Sotolongo, Ambassador of Cuba in London spoke to the audience about an update on Cuba and its workers.

Trinidadian Minister of Foreign and CARICOM affairs exchanges important issues on the bilateral agenda with Cuban Ambassador.

Port of Spain, April 12. -The Honorable Senator and Minister of Foreign Affairs and CARICOM of Trinidad and Tobago, Dennis Moses, received H.E. Guillermo Vázquez Moreno, ambassador of Cuba in the headquarters of the Chancellery. The meeting was conducive to review important issues on the bilateral agenda.


En nuestra unión está y estará nuestra fortaleza

La XIV Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y Gobierno de la Alianza, celebrada el 5 de marzo en Caracas, nos dejó una Declaración que constituye una poderosa guía de acción para los tiempos que vive Nuestra América y para enfrentar los peligros que se ciernen sobre nuestros pueblos, especialmente para aquellos que por la voluntad ejercida en las urnas, se constituyeron en poder, y que ahora son acosados por las oligarquías, el imperialismo y sus instrumentos de dominación.

UN Special Rapporteur Begins Official Visit to Cuba

The Special Rapporteur of the United Nations (UN) on the human rights of Human Trafficking victims, especially women and children, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, will begin today an official visit to Cuba.

According to the Foreign Ministry of this nation, Giammarinaro will meet in the Cuban capital and carry out other activities that will allow her to confirm Cuba's commitment to the fulfillment of its international obligations in relation to human trafficking.


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