
Díaz-Canel summons a Summit in Havana of the G-77 + China

The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, in his capacity as President Pro Tempore of the G-77 + China Group, convened a Summit of Heads of State and Government under the theme "Current development challenges: Role of Science, Technology and Innovation", on September 15 and 16, 2023, in Havana.

According to a message posted this morning on his Twitter social network account, the Head of State said that "the occasion should serve to strengthen our unity and decide on collective and practical actions to effectively confront contemporary challenges."

Cuba is active at the head of the Group of 77 + China

At the beginning of the year Cuba assumed the pro tempore presidency of the Group of 77+China, and in these four months it has developed an intense activity to promote cooperation in this mechanism of coordination, which brings together 134 of the 193 member states of the UN.

It is in the interest of the Caribbean nation, in the midst of a post-pandemic world, to take collaboration in education, culture for sustainable development, science, technology and innovation to a higher level.

Statement by Gerardo Peñalver Portal, Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, during the 45th period of sessions of the Committee on Information.

The Group reaffirms our commitment to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and human rights, including freedom of expression and access to information, as well as the principles of independence, pluralism, and diversity of the media, and urges the Department of Global Communications to further strengthen partnerships with new and traditional media in this regard.

Cuba appoints representative to coordinate presidency of the G-77 + China.

Havana, February 17. The Council of State of Cuba appointed Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta as ambassador, special representative, to coordinate the presidency of the Group of 77 plus China.

Cuba assumed in January the presidency of this coordination mechanism that brings together 134 member states, which represent two-thirds of the United Nations system and 80 percent of the world population.

G77+China pro-tempore presidency: Cuba calls for unity of the South to face current challenges

United Nations, Jan 12 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel on Thursday called for unity among nations of the South, upon assuming G77+China pro-tempore presidency.

In a video message at the official ceremony, the Cuban leader urged to take pressing actions to overcome obstacles to the peoples´ real progress. Unity is an imperative today and the greatest of all emergencies, Díaz-Canel stressed.


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