Cuba in Dominica

Cuba condemns U.S. withdrawal from nuclear agreement with Iran

Cuba condemns U.S. withdrawal from nuclear agreement with Iran.

CUBA, May 10, 2018.- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba expresses its strong condemnation of the decision made by the United States government to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or Iran nuclear agreement, and re-impose sanctions on this country. Failure to abide by these international commitments undermines the norms of coexistence among states and can have serious consequences for stability and security in the Middle East.

Ambassador of Cuba walks work areas of Cuban linemen in Dominica.

Ambassador of Cuba walks work areas of Cuban linemen in Dominica.

Dominica, Roseau, April 26, 2018. The ambassador of Cuba to the Commonwealth of Dominica made a tour of rural areas, where Cuban linemen are working, supporting the process of restoration of electricity service, severely affected by the passage of Huarcán María last September.
