At Main Committees

77 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba on Item 168: “Report of the Committee on relations with the Host Country”. New York, 7 November 2022

Mr. President,

The delegation of Cuba appreciates the analysis of the Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country, contained in document A/77/26.

We have reached a new session in which the scenario of unjustified restrictions on the work of a number of delegations of Member States, which are unable to exercise their functions in this Organization on equal footing, due to the failure of the United States to comply with the obligations deriving from its role as Host Country, is repeated.

77 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba on Item 85 “Scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction”. New York, 12 October 2022

Mr. Chairman,

Cuba endorses the statement delivered by the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.

We take note of the Secretary-General´s Report, prepared on the basis of remarks and observations made by the Member States, contained in document A/77/186.

77 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba at the General Debate of the Second Committee. New York, 4 October 2022

Madam Chair,

Cuba associates itself with the statements delivered by the distinguished delegations of Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and Antigua and Barbuda on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island Developing States.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and the other members of the Bureau on your election to lead the work of the Second Committee. We are confident that your guidance will enable us to bring our objectives to a successful conclusion during this session.

77 UNGA: Cuba on items 110: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 111: Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes and 112: International Drug Control. New York, 3 October 2022

Statement by the Cuban delegation at the general joint debate on items 110: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 111: Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes and 112: International Drug Control. Third Committee, 77th session of the UN General Assembly. New York, 3 October 2022.

Mr. Chairman,

76 UNGA: Statement Tenth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) General Debate. New York, 2 August 2022.

Mr. President;

We congratulate you on your election. You can count on the Cuban delegation to work towards the success of the Tenth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). We endorse the statement delivered by Azerbaijan, on behalf of the NAM Group of Member States which are party to the NPT.

76 UNGA: Statement by the Cuban delegation at the general debate of the 15th Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. New York, 15 June 2022.

Mr. Chairman;

The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted on economic and social development. Within this challenging context, the vulnerability of persons with disabilities heightens, and therefore our commitment to their protection should be enhanced.

76 UNGA: Remarks by Ambassador Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta, Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations General exchange of views at the Disarmament Commission. New York, 4 April 2022.

Mr. Chair;

We endorse the statement delivered by Indonesia on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.

We congratulate you on your election as Chairman of the Disarmament Commission for this year's substantive session. We extend our congratulations to the members of the Bureau and the chairs of the working groups.

76 UNGA: Statement by the Cuban delegation during the first part of the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. New York, 17 March 2022.

Mr. Chairman,

Cuba wishes to express its satisfaction at the holding of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries.

We appreciate the efforts made by Qatar to organize and materialize this conference, despite all the odds. At the same time, we congratulate the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States for the preparation of this important meeting.

Mr. Chairman,

76 UNGA: Remarks by Cuba at the General Debate of the 60th session of the Commission for Social Development. Nueva York, 14 February 2022

Madam Chair,

My delegation associates itself with the remarks delivered by Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. In addition, I would like to point out the following elements in national capacity.

Two years after the outbreak of the pandemic, the socio-economic situation triggered by the COVID-19 continues to seriously impact on all areas of social development.


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