At Main Committees

71 UNGA: Cuba on Agenda item “International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space”.

Mr. Chairman,

At the beginning of our remarks, we would like to commend the work accomplished by Canada as head of COPOUS during the Committee meeting this year. We also congratulate India and Chile for presiding over theScientific and Technical and the Legal Subcommittees, respectively.

The COPOUS report presented to our Committee this year provides detailed account of the different but no less important issues analyzed in the three forums.

71 UNGA: Cuba at the Third Committee on item: “Advancement of Women”.

Madam Chair,

My delegation endorses the statement made by the Dominican Republic on behalf of CELAC.

Cuba stands firm in its conviction that a key requirement towards the full realization of gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls is the achievement of a new equitable and just international order, ensuring the eradication of poverty and hunger, the end of armed conflicts, the value of human beings above capital and the preservation of the environment.

71 UNGA: Cuba at the Joint Debate of the items Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice, and International Drug Control.

Mr. Chairman,

First of all, our delegation associates itself with the statement made by the Dominican Republic of behalf of CELAC, and in our national capacity we would like to highlight the following elements.

The current international context demands for crime prevention to remain a task of first priority. Every country, regardless their socio-economic characteristics, is vulnerable to the different manifestations of crime, including the emerging forms.

71 UNGA: Cuba at the General Debate of the UN First Committee.

Mr. Chairman,

The Cuban delegation commends you for your election, as well as the other members of the Bureau.

We fully endorse the statement delivered by Venezuela on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement and by the Dominican Republic on behalf of CELAC.

Mr. Chairman,

The possibility of a nuclear war, within the current context of dangerous and growing tensions, is becoming ever closer and unpredictable. We insist that nuclear disarmament is an international priority and deserves attention at the highest level.


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