At Main Committees

75 UNGA: Statement by H.E. Mr. Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta, Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations, at the debate on agenda item 15 “Culture of Peace”. New York, 1st December 2020

Mr. President,

The year that is ending has been marked by the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which adds new challenges and complicates others that already existed for the international community.

Most eloquently, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the unjust nature of the international order in which we live, which multiplies the privileges of rich countries and perpetuates the shortcomings of the poor.

75 UNGA: Statement by Ambassador Pedro Luis Pedroso, Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations. Consideration of Item “Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)”. New York. 11 November 2020

Mr. Chairman,

We appreciate the presentation of the 2019 IAEA Annual Report and draft resolution A/75/L.9.

We wish to begin by acknowledging the efforts made by the Agency in support of its Member States in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We highlight the leadership and organizational resilience of the Technical Secretariat in the midst of the pandemic. Cuba also recognizes and supports its important work and its contribution to peace and sustainable development.

Mr. Chairman,

75 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba under Item 89 "Protection of persons in the event of disasters”. New York, November 11, 2020

Mr. Chairman,

       Cuba reaffirms its endorsement of the efforts made by the International Law Commission to improve the protection of persons affected by disasters.

         We thank the Secretary-General for the presentation of his report A/75/214, to which Cuba contributed with its commentaries relating to the draft articles drawn up by the Committee.

75 UNGA: Statement by the Cuban delegation at the Interactive dialogue with the President of the Human Rights Council at the UNGA Hall. Third Committee. New York, 5 November 2020

Madam President,

As long as selectivity, punitive practices, double standards and political manipulation continue, particularly against countries of the South, the international community will not be able to make real progress regarding the promotion and protection of all human rights for all persons.

75 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba on Item 87 “Scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction”. New York, 3 November 2020

Mr. Chairman,

Cuba endorses the statement delivered by the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.

We take note of the Secretary-General´s Report, prepared on the basis of remarks and observations made by the Member States, contained in document A/75/151. 

Cuba reiterates its firm commitment to the fight against impunity for crimes against humanity.

75 UNGA: Statement by the Cuban delegation in the debate under Item 75: "Report of the International Criminal Court”. New York, November 2, 2020

Mr. Chairman,

The Cuban delegation takes note of Reports A/75/321 and A/75/324 of the Secretary-General and the International Criminal Court, respectively.

At the same time, it expresses its commitment to the fight against impunity for crimes affecting the International Community.

Mr. Chairman,

75 UNGA: Statement by the Cuban delegation on Item 85 “Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the strengthening of the role of the organization”. New York, 23 October 2020

Mr. Chairman,

Cuba associates itself with the statement delivered by the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of NAM and wishes to make the following statement in its national capacity.

Mr. Chairman,

Our delegation welcomes the Secretary-General´s report A/75/145.

We support the work of the Special Committee on the Charter and its agenda and also appreciate the presentation of its report contained in document A/75/33.


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