At Main Committees

75 UNGA: Statement by Cuba at the Interactive Dialogue with Mr. Livingstone Sewanyana, Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order. Third Committee. New York, 19 October 2020

Madam Chair,

We thank the Independent Expert for his presentation.

The promotion of a democratic and equitable international order is more relevant today than ever. With a democratic and equitable international order, the pandemic would not have the effects is having and will continue to have, disproportionately, on countries of the South.

75 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba on Item 90 “Strengthening and promoting international treaty framework”. New York, 19 October 2020

Mr. Chairman,

Treaties are the main source of international law and the cornerstone of international relations based on regulations. They are also a more direct and formal method for the making of international law. The United Nations system has played a significant role to guarantee the transparency of treaties concluded by its Member States.

75 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba on Item 90 “Strengthening and promoting international treaty framework” New York, 19 October 2020

Mr. Chairman,

Treaties are the main source of international law and the cornerstone of international relations based on regulations. They are also a more direct and formal method for the making of international law. The United Nations system has played a significant role to guarantee the transparency of treaties concluded by its Member States.

75 UNGA: Statement by Cuba at the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, Sra. Alena Douhan, on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights. Third Committee. New York, 16 October 2020

Madam Chair,

We welcome the Special Rapporteur and congratulate her on her appointment. Like her predecessors, she will count on our full support.

We appreciate the presentation of her report A/75/209, which examines the impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

75 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba at the Interactive Dialogue with Mr. Zamir Akram, Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on the Right to Development. Third Committee. New York, 16 October 2020

Madam Chair,

My delegation welcomes Mr. Zamir Akram and thanks his oral presentation. We reiterate to the Working Group on the Right to Development our full support in the fulfillment of its important mandate.  

We regret the postponement of the twenty-first session of the Working Group and we hope that it can be held as rescheduled. We request the Office of the High Commissioner to provide all possible support to the Working Group, so that it can resume its work.

75 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of the Republic of Cuba. Thematic debate on "Outer space". First Committee. New York, October 2020

Mr. Chairman,

The threat of an arms race in outer space, the continuous development and improvement of space weapons and the presence of war material in space undermine the realization of the peaceful aspirations of peoples, particularly the smallest countries, to benefit from the potential of space technologies for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

UNGA 75: Statement by the delegation of the Republic of Cuba. Thematic debate on “Other disarmament measures and international security”. First Committee. New York, October 2020

Mr. Chairman,

We share the goal of general and complete disarmament, in particular nuclear disarmament, as the highest priority in this area. We call for the implementation of other disarmament and international security measures.

 A renewed commitment is needed to make progress in multilaterally agreed, legally binding initiatives, to prohibit the militarization of outer space, cyberspace and lethal autonomous weapons; as well as to regulate military combat drones.

75 UNGA: Statement by the Cuban delegation at the Interactive Dialogue with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Third Committee. New York, 14 October 2020

Madam Chair,

My delegation appreciates the opportunity to exchange views with the High Commissioner; and notes the presentation of report A/75/36. 

We reiterate our support for her work and Office, based on UNGA resolution 48/141, which underlined the need for promotion and protection of all human rights to be guided by the principles of impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, in a spirit of dialogue and cooperation.

75 UNGA: Statement by the delegation of Cuba at the Sixth Committee. Item 81 “Crimes against Humanity”. New York, 14 October 2020

Mr. Chairman,

We appreciate the work carried out by the International Law Commission in order to present the draft articles on this topic.

Cuba is a historic defender of respect for international law and its principles, especially for international criminal law.


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