Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Finland

with accreditations to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


Our users must know that:

You must contact us by email: embajada@fi.embacuba.cu and consulado@fi.embacuba.cu to request information about their services before coming to our Embassy.


New Electronic Tourist Card Sales Service

Since last September 20, the sale of tourist cards via the web is implemented, which does not require face-to-face service. Once the payment for your services is credited to our account, we will proceed to grant the visa requested through the eVisa system. If you have any questions about the delayed return of the visa into your email, ask your bank if it credited the payment. Please read the following details carefully: https://misiones.cubaminrex.cu/en/finland/consular-services#visa_turismo

Please specify in the bank payment message in whose name the electronic card is being requested.


For Notary Services and Passport Application:

The face-to-face service will take place once the Consulate offers an appointment time to those interested in this services. Please find more information on the followed link: https://misiones.cubaminrex.cu/en/finland/consular-services#renovacion_p...


The Virtual Consulate offers attention via WhatsApp through the following number +358503656275


Looking forward to receive you in Cuba!
