Foreign minister says Cuba is committed to the welfare of its children
Havana, July 19, 2020 -- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez stated this Sunday that the government of his country is committed to the rights of children, their welfare and full development.
On the occasion of the island's celebration of Children's Day, the foreign minister wrote on his Twitter account: "Children are the hope of the world and our greatest treasure."
Culture and politics foster changes in Cuba-US relations
Havana, Jul 19, 2020.- The call to lift the US economic blockade against Cuba and to recognize the Caribbean nation's health personnel with Nobel Peace Prize are the focus of today's speeches by some activists, politicians, artists and intellectuals from around the world.
Dozens of renowned figures from the United States, Canada, Europe and Africa joined the online Concert for Cuba, an initiative by the Chicago Hot House and supported by the Cuban Music Institute and the Ministry of Culture.