Cuba in Guyana

Commemorated the Second Anniversary of the Regional Centre for Development Stimulation of Children, Adolescents and Youth with Special Educational Needs Associated with Disabilities

Within the framework of the celebrations for CARICOM - Cuba Day and on the occasion of the Second Anniversary of the signing of the agreement between Guyana, CARICOM and Cuba for the creation of the Regional Centre for Development Stimulation of Children, Adolescents and Youth with Special Educational Needs Associated with Disabilities, the authorities of the Ministries of Education, Public Health and Foreign Affairs of Guyana, together with officials of the Embassy of Cuba and the Cuban Medical Brigade recognized the work of both the Cuban and Guyanese teams of specialists working in the aforementioned facility, which is a model of the close relationship between CARICOM and Cuba, and an example of the possibilities of South-South cooperation.


Relatives of the Center’s patients recognized the progress of the children and adolescents and had words of appreciation to the team of specialists. The Coordinator of the Program for the Guyanese part, Mr. Keon Cheong, recognized, on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Guyana, the work developed by the Cuban specialists. The Chief of the Cuban team of specialists, Dr. Jorge Duvalón, showed a multimedia that summarizes the most significant events in the history of the Centre and its main results achieved to the present.


The Ambassador of Cuba affirmed that in two years of work the results are appreciable, both in the work of direct attention to children, adolescents, young people and their families, as well as in the preparation and training of Guyanese personnel, which will allow sustainability and expansion of the Program to the rest of the CARICOM member countries.

Statement to mark CARICOM-Cuba Day, 8 December 2018

The 8th of December 2018 marks the Forty-Sixth Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, the four CARICOM countries independent at that time, and Cuba.  That historic and courageous act of 8 December 1972 has grown over the years into a strong fraternal relationship between all the Member States of the Caribbean Community and Cuba.

The friendly and close relationship that unites CARICOM and Cuba is a shining example of South-South Cooperation.  This is continuously refreshed by regular bilateral interactions as well as by our collaboration in hemispheric and international fora. CARICOM Member States are consistent in supporting Cuba at the United Nations in their battle against the unjust economic and financial embargo imposed on the island by the United States.

Declaration from the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba

Jair Bolsonaro, president elect of Brazil, who has made direct, contemptuous and threatening comments against the presence of our doctors, has declared and reiterated that he will modify the terms and conditions of the More Doctors program , disregarding the Pan-American Health Organization

Author: Ministerio Salud Pública |

November 14, 2018 11:11:05

The Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba, committed to the solidarity and humanist principles that have guided Cuba’s medical cooperation for 55 years, has been participating in Brazil’s “More Doctors” program since its inception in August of 2013. This initiative launched by Dilma Rousseff, who was at that time the president of the Federal Republic of Brazil, pursued the noble purpose of guaranteeing medical assistance to the majority of the Brazilian people, following the principle of universal health coverage promoted by the World Health Organization.

The program had planned the inclusion of Brazilian and foreign doctors who would work in poor and remote areas of the country.

Cuba’s participation in this program was arranged through the Pan-American Health Organization with one distinctive feature: it was intended to fill the vacancies left by doctors from Brazil and other foreign nations.

During these five years of work, some 20 000 Cuban collaborators have assisted 113,359,000 patients in more than 3,600 municipalities. They were able to provide health coverage to a vast 60 million Brazilians, when they accounted for 80% of all the doctors who were taking part in the program. More than 700 municipalities were able to have a doctor for the first time ever.

The world says “No!” to the blockade and Trump’s amendments

At 12:20pm, in the United Nations General Assembly, the international community once again almost unanimously condemned the U.S. blockade of Cuba, voting 189 in favor of the Cuban resolution, two against (U.S. and Israel), with no abstentions.

Author: Granma International news |

At 12:20pm, in the United Nations General Assembly, the international community once again almost unanimously condemned the U.S. blockade of Cuba, voting 189 in favor of the Cuban resolution, two against (U.S. and Israel), with no abstentions.

Author: Granma International news |


Cuban Foreign Minister denounces U.S. maneuver to undermine international support for an end to the blockade

Yesterday afternoon, the United States permanent mission at the UN began circulating eight amendments to the Cuban resolution calling for an end to the blockade, reported Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parilla during a press conference at the ministry in Havana.

He reported that the amendments basically address aspects related to the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and the human rights issue, a subject that the U.S. government attempts to use to discredit Cuba – unsuccessfully.

What is most interesting, Rodríguez said, is not the content of the proposed amendments, but rather the fact that the document was circulated surreptitiously by the U.S. State Department, signed by deputy assistant secretary Gonzalo Gallegos, in an effort to dissuade UN member countries from voting in favor of the Cuban resolution calling for an end to the blockade, which will be considered in the General Assembly this coming October 31.
