Cuba in India

Cuban Ambassador attends book launch on Indira Gandhi.

INDIA, May 13, 2017. Ambassador Oscar Martínez Cordovés attended the launch of the book “India`s Indira a Centennial Tribute", edited by Congress leader Anand Sharma on the life of the former Premier of India, as part of the celebrations of the Centenary of the Indian leader to be commemorated this year.

ISCUF Meeting on Solidarity with Cuba.

India, 11h May 2017. The Indian Society for Cultural Cooperation and Friendship (ISCUF) organized a well attended meeting in Vijayawada the capital city of Andhra Pradesh on last 06th of May on Solidarity with CUBA and to support the MANILA Declaration Adopted by the ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE on Solidarity with CUBA held on 8-9th April, in Manila city of Philippines.

Vice-President of the Congress Party receives an Officer of the Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

New Delhi, May 10, 2017. The Vice-President of the Indian National Congress Party Mr. Rahul Gandhi received an officer of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Mr. Abelardo Cueto Sosa, accompanied by Ambassador Oscar Martinez Cordovés, within the framework of an exchange visit of our PCC with different political forces in India. (Embassy of Cuba in India).

Vice-President of the Congress Party receives an Officer of the Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

New Delhi, May 10, 2017. The Vice-President of the Indian National Congress party Mr. Rahul Gandhi received an officer of the Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Mr. Abelardo Cueto Sosa, accompanied by Ambassador Oscar Martinez Cordovés, within the framework of an exchange visit of our PCC with different political forces in India. (Embassy of Cuba in India).

Joint Secretary of Trade and Industry of India welcomes the Cuban Ambassador.

New Delhi, April 24, 2017. The Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of India, in charge of Latin America and the Caribbean, Ms. Anita Praveen welcomed the Cuban Ambassador in a cordial meeting where it was  reiterated  the Minister Malmierca's invitation to the Minister of Trade and Industry of India to participate in FIHAV 2017 leading a delegation of businessmen.

During the meeting they also discussed the possibilities of strengthening the exchange between the two countries (Embassy of Cuba in India).
