Cuba in India

Commemorated in India the 163 Anniversary of the birth of the Cuban National Hero José Martí.

India, January 28, 2016. This afternoon took place at the Embassy of Cuba to this country, a heartfelt ceremony of tribute to the National Hero of Cuba in the 163 anniversary of his birth.


The Cuban Ambassador designated Oscar Martinez Cordovés and three young Cuban pioneers spoke a few words in which was stressed the significance of the thought of José Martí, its universal scope, as well as its successful revolutionary and literary work.

Cuban Ambassador designate greets the Minister of Trade and Industry (with independent charge) and Minister of Finance of India.

New Delhi, January 27, 2016. The Cuban Ambassador designated Oscar Martinez Cordovés had yesterday the opportunity to greet and briefly exchange with the Minister of Trade and Industry (with independent charge) and Minister of Finance, H. E. Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman. This meeting was in a cordial and friendly atmosphere during the reception hosted by the president of the nation, H. E. Mr. Pranab Mukherjee to the Heads of Mission accredited in the country as part of the celebrations for the 67th anniversary of India Republic Day.

Indian press highlights the intervention of the Cuban Ambassador designated in this country

New Delhi, January 12 th 2016. The New Indian Express, published fragments of the intervention of H.E.  Mr. Oscar Martinez Cordovés, new Ambassador of Cuba designated to India during his participation in a symposium on “Left alternative”. This activity was at the 4th International Congress on Kerala Studies organized by the Indian Communist Party Marxist, from 9 to 10 January 2016 in that Indian state.
