Kuala Lumpur.- On the occasion of the 129th anniversary of the fall in action of the National Hero of Cuba, José Martí, the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Cuba Association in Malaysia (FOCA) took place this May 19.
The assembly was conducive to recounting the 15 years of the association, focused on solidarity with Cuba and the bond with the Caribbean Island through culture and mutual respect.
During the meeting, which took place at the Residence of the Cuban Ambassador in Kuala Lumpur, several new members joined the society and its executive committee.
This April 23, the International Spanish Language Day was celebrated in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, with an event organized jointly by the embassies of Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The event was made up of various activities to celebrate the second most spoken language in the world, among which were story telling for children, talks with Spanish language students, reading texts, the awarding of a micro-story contest, and dances and interpretations. of songs from the organizing countries.
Nigeria, May 19th, 2022.- From the Embassy of Cuba in Nigeria, a memorial tribute is paid to the National Hero José Martí, on the 127th anniversary of his fall in combat, which occurred on the same date in 1895, in Dos Ríos, currently Jiguani municipality, Granma province.
Consequently, through the Social Networks of the Diplomatic Mission, photos have been published of different activities carried out aimed at highlighting the Apostle, his work, thought and legacy, of incalculable value for Cubans.
Monrovia, January 20, 2022 - The collective of the Cuban Embassy in the Republic of Liberia, headed by the Chief of Mission Mercedes L. Martínez Herrera, began the day on the occasion of the 169th anniversary of the birth of the National Hero José Martí with the session "Validity of Marti's thought".
Monrovia, May 19, 2021 - 126 years after the fall in combat of the National Hero José Martí, the collective of the Cuban Embassy in Liberia, on the day of "Africa Day", joins the tribute of the Cuban people to the apostle.
The collective of the diplomatic mission recalled the anti-racist and anti-slavery thought of José Martí.
Namibia, January 28th, 2021- On the occasion of the 168th Anniversary of the Birth of José Martí, National Hero of Cuba, the Ambassador of Cuba to Namibia, Sidenio Acosta, gave Martha Shilyomunhu, Principal of the “Fidel Castro Ruz” Primary School, a reproduction of a portrait of the Apostle, made by the Cuban painter and patriot Armando García Menocal.