The Ambassador of Cuba to Malaysia denounces effects of the blockade
Kuala Lumpur, September 28- In an exclusive live interview with the radio station, TraXX FM, the Ambassador of Cuba to Malaysia, Ibete Fernandez explained about the economic impact it has had on Cubathe blockade imposed by the United States.
The Ambassador announced that the persistence of the blockade prevents Cuba to have normal trade relations, not only with the US but with other countries, due to the deterrent and punitive purposes of this policy.
Cuba Goes To UNGA To Lift Blockade Still In Force Despite Renewed Ties With US
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 27 (Bernama) -- Cuba intends to present a resolution before the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) next month against the blockade imposed by the US, which still remained in place, despite renewed diplomatic ties more than a year ago.
Cuban Ambassador to Malaysia, Ibete Fernandez Hernandez, said at a press conference that the resolution titled "Necessity of Ending The Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo Imposed by the United States Against Cuba" will be brought before the 71st Session of the UNGA on Oct 26.
The blockade of Cuba is a policy from the past and must cease
Kuala Lumpur, September27 - Ambassador of Cuba to Malaysia, IbeteFernández, introduced to the Malaysian media the report of Cuba against the blockade, at the headquarters of the embassy.
In her presentation she pointed out the negative effects of this policy and its extraterritorial scope that prevents normal trade relations not only with the US but with all countries in the world interested in trading with Cuba, including Malaysia.