Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
In the spirit of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, the Cuban Government releases persons who are serving prison sentences.
As part of the close and fluid relations with the Vatican, the Government of Cuba has remained in touch with Pope Francis and his representatives and, as has occurred in the past, has kept His Holiness informed about the processes of review of the convictions and the release on imprisoned person, a practice that is common in our judicial system and has characterized the humanitarian record of the Revolution.
Embassy participates in presentation of the documentary “Nâzim's Journey to Cuba”
Embassy participates in presentation of the documentary “Nâzim's Journey to Cuba”
The Hague, January 9, 2025. The Embassy of Cuba in the Netherlands participated in the presentation of the documentary “Nâzim's Journey to Cuba”, inspired by the visit made by the internationally recognized and multi-laureate Turkish poet Nâzım Hikmet to Cuba in 1961.
Declaration of the European Communist Action on the 66th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution
January 1, 2025. European Communist Action pays tribute to the heroic Cuban people and the Communist Party of Cuba on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution, the first socialist revolution on the American continent, which is a source of inspiration and a shining example for the working peoples of the world that their struggles have the power to overthrow capitalist barbarism.
Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba
Cuba calls for the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria
We have been following with great concern the swift evolution of events in the Syrian Arab Republic, which has led to the overthrowing of the government of Bashar Al Assad by opposition armed groups.
We strongly call for the preservation of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Syria as well as respect for the integrity and security of diplomatic missions based in that Arab nation.