Cuba in the Netherlands

Solidarity with the people and government of Cuba

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) once again expresses its firm solidarity with the people, the government and the Communist Party of Cuba in view of the recent events.

The devastation caused by the hurricane had a major impact, as the power supply throughout Cuba also failed during these days and could only be restored after days, despite the great efforts of the workers and many helpers.

Solidarity friends from the Netherlands condemns US Blockade

Amsterdam, October 26, 2024. DAM Square, in the center of the Dutch capital, was the venue chosen by supportive friends and Cuban residents to demonstrate against the genocidal blockade imposed by the US government against Cuba.

The innumerable effects that the blockade has caused in more than 60 years were denounced by the participants, together with the demand for its immediate lifting.

The voices of #CubaNoEstaSola and #TumbaElBloqueo were heard repeatedly during the afternoon, along with the posters and images condemning the criminal blockade

Cuban Culture Day celebrated at Leiden University

The Hague, October 22, 2024. The Leiden University Student Association belonging to the Faculty of Latin American Studies organized an event in celebration of the Cuban Culture Day.

The evening began with a tasting of traditional Cuban cuisine dishes, introductory words from the representatives of the Embassy and closed with the screening of the film “El mayor”, by director Rigoberto López. An exchange was also held with the students about Cuban culture, and about the date, which this year was dedicated to Alejo Carpentier.

Letter of solidarity

Leiden 20-10-2024

We are writing as a medical organization concerned about the growing humanitarian crisis in Cuba.

On October 18th, 2024, a nationwide blackout occurred due to a failure in Cuba’s Electroenergetic System, leaving millions without power. The ongoing energy crisis has severely impacted essential services such as healthcare, education, and food supply. Cuban authorities and technicians are working hard to restore electricity, but progress has been slow.

Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba

US complicity with violent acts against Cuba is strongly rejected

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba strongly rejects a new US act   complicit with terrorist violence against Cuba.

The US judicial authorities have decided to release Alexander Alazo, the individual who, on April 30, 2020, stood in the middle of the street and shot 32 rounds with a machine gun against the Cuban embassy in that country, at the moment when 7 persons stayed inside the building.
