Cuba in the Netherlands

Statement by 123 countries demanding the exclusion of Cuba from the Unilateral List of States that allegedly sponsor terrorism

Geneva, June 26th, 2024

The List of States Allegedly Sponsoring Terrorism goes against the fundamental principles and peremptory norms of international law, including international solidarity. The process through which the designation is made is unclear and non-transparent.

It negatively affects the realization and enjoyment of fundamental human rights, including the rights to food, health, education, economic and social rights, the right to life and right to development.

The Palestinian people obtain justice before the International Court of Justice

The Hague, July 19, 2024. Today, the International Court of Justice issued its advisory opinion and responded to questions raised by the General Assembly regarding the Legal Consequences of Israel's policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.

In its Advisory Opinion, the Court concluded that:

Held in The Hague 10th Meeting of Cubans Resident in the Netherlands.

The Hague, July 13, 2024. The Cuban Embassy hosted the 10th Meeting of Cubans Resident in the Netherlands. The meeting welcomed Cubans residing in various provinces of the Netherlands.

The moment was favorable to expose the changes in the economic policy of our country's projects, as well as the new laws on migration, immigration and citizenship. In this regard, there was an exchange of ideas that served to clarify questions for the participants.

Information from the Consulate of Cuba in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

CONSULADO GENERAL DE CUBA, Reino de los Países Bajos

The General Consulate of the Republic of Cuba in the Kingdom of the Netherlands is pleased to inform that from July 15, 2024, the new system for digital tourist visas will come into force. This means that they will be issued from an online platform, whose access QR is shown above.

In addition, it is informed that tourist cards (green and pink) for people who have already acquired them, will remain valid until December 31, 2024.

Embassy of Cuba participated in the Luxembourg Communist Party Festival

Sanem, July 6, 2024 The Embassy of Cuba in Luxembourg was present at the Luxembourg Communist Party Festival “Wisefest”, which took place on July 6 and 7, 2024.

Representatives and directors of the Communist Party of Germany, the Socialist Union of Luxembourg and the Workers’ Party of Belgium also attended the traditional event, which this year held its 48th Edition.
