Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
On January 16, 2019, the United States State Department announced the decision to suspend for only 45 days the application of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, “to conduct a careful review… in light of the national interests of the United States and efforts to expedite a transition to democracy in Cuba and include factors such as the Cuban regime’s brutal oppression of human rights and fundamental freedoms and its indefensible support for increasingly authoritarian and corrupt regimes in Venezuela and Nicaragua.”
The US State Department uses the granting of visas to affect diplomatic relations with Cuba
During the past few months, the US State Department has been concocting a new pretext to affect bilateral diplomatic relations, associated to the granting of the diplomatic and official visas required by the staff of the respective embassies in Washington and Havana to perform their duties. The maneuver consists in claiming that Cuba is hindering the granting of visas for designated officials at the US embassy in Cuba, which allegedly hinders the work of that diplomatic mission.
Ambassador exchanges about Fidel's legacy with members of the Solidarity with Cuba Movement
NIGERIA, November 27, 2018. In order to honor the memory of the invincible leader, a group of activists from the Movement of Solidarity with Cuba in the federal capital met to discuss the importance of putting Fidel's ideas into practice and of maintaining his legacy. The meeting was attended by the Cuban Ambassador who transferred the status of existing relations with Africa and the continuity of the thought of the historical leader in today's Cuba.
Cuban Ambassador received the Cuban delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture
NIGERIA, November 27, 2018. Ambassador Carlos Trejo Sosa received the Cuban delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture in the Residence, who arrived in Nigeria at the invitation of the Governor of the State of Nasarawa, Umaru Tanko Al-makura, in order to conduct an exploratory visit to the territory.