Declaration of the Communist Party of Poland in support and solidarity with the Cuban people
Warsaw February 7, 2025
The Communist Party of Poland strongly denounces US policy towards the Republic of Cuba based on imperialism and interference into internal matters of the sovereign country.
Donald Trump continues the economic war against the Cuban Revolution. His administration introduced a new list of entities that are subject to ban on trade and financial transactions.
The United States takes steps in the right direction, but the blockade remains in force.
Warsaw, January 15, 2025
Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
On January 14, 2025, the government of the United States announced the following decisions:
1. Remove Cuba from the State Department list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism;
2. Make use of the presidential faculty to prevent US courts from taking action with regards to lawsuits that might be filed by virtue of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act; and
In the spirit of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, the Cuban Government releases persons who are serving prison sentences.
Warsaw, January 15, 2025
Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
As part of the close and fluid relations with the Vatican, the Government of Cuba has remained in touch with Pope Francis and his representatives and, as has occurred in the past, has kept His Holiness informed about the processes of review of the convictions and the release on imprisoned person, a practice that is common in our judicial system and has characterized the humanitarian record of the Revolution.
The Communist Party of Poland condemns the US policy based on false accusations against Cuba
Warsaw, June 11, 2024.
On 15th of May the US State Secretary delivered a report for the US Congress listing states that allegedly did not cooperate with the US antiterrorist efforts in 2023. The report does not mention Cuba, however it remains on the list of states allegedly „sponsoring terrorism”. This policy based on false accusation and outright lies serves to justify the unlawful economic blockade of the island. It is also used to interfere in the internal affairs of Cuba and exert political and diplomatic pressure on countries and companies willing to cooperate with Cuba.