#Relaciones Bilaterales

Cuban Ambassador talks with Co-President of the Parliamentary Friendship Group.

Wellington, April 13. Cuban Ambassador Edgardo Valdés met in Congress with Angela Roberts, a parliamentarian for the Labor Party and co-president of the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Latin America and the Caribbean.

In a very friendly atmosphere, they exchanged extensively on the situation in Cuba and foreign policy issues, including the relationship with New Zealand and our cooperation with the Caribbean and the Pacific.

They identified topics for future exchanges between our parliamentarians, including health, education, and the environment.


Meeting with friends of Cuba in Auckland.

Auckland, April 8. The Cuban Ambassador attended a meeting with 20 leaders of the First Union, other Unions, and members of the board of solidarity groups with Cuba.

At the meeting, a recorded message of thanks was transmitted from Leima Martínez, Director of Asia / Pacific of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), and the Ambassador made a presentation on the situation in Cuba, the perspectives of relations with the United States, the good state of ties with New Zealand and the upcoming debate on the blockade in the United Nations General Assembly.

Conference of the Cuban Ambassador at the University of Auckland.

Auckland, April 8. Cuban Ambassador Edgardo Valdés made a presentation at the University of Auckland, organized by the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) and the NZ / Latin America Business Council (LANZBC).

It was attended by 45 academics, businessmen, students, and members of solidarity groups.

After a presentation on relations with the United States, our foreign policy, business opportunities, and recent economic changes in Cuba, the Ambassador answered numerous questions that showed interest in the island.

Exchange on bilateral relations at the Cuban Embassy.

Wellington, April 6. A joint event of the Cuban Embassy and the Caribbean Council brought together a group of officials and academics at the diplomatic headquarters for a broad exchange, under the title "Cuba-New Zealand Dialogue".

After a presentation by the Cuban Ambassador, the participants exchanged ideas in order to achieve greater knowledge about our realities and contribute to strengthening and expanding good relations between both countries.

New Zealand consistently supports the lifting of the blockade against Cuba.

Cuban Ambassador talks with Prime Minister of the Cook Islands.

Wellington, March 30. On the occasion of the visit to New Zealand of the Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, the Honorable Mark Brown, the Cuban Ambassador Edgardo Valdés had the opportunity to speak with him on two occasions.

Brown recognized Cuba's support in preparing doctors for his country, and the Ambassador confirmed our willingness to continue and expand our cooperation in areas such as health, civil defense, and environmental protection.

Successful exhibition of photos about Cuba in Wellington.

Wellington, March 27. An exhibition of photos about Cuba, taken by New Zealand tourists who visited us, was attended by several hundred people during the weekend, as part of the Cuba Dupa Festival, one of the most important in the city.

Diplomats, artists, businessmen, and the general public enjoyed the photos, music, Cuban food, and mojitos, which allowed them to get closer to Cuba in a party atmosphere.


Cuban Ambassador talks with Co-President of the Parliamentary Friendship Group.

Wellington, March 23. Ambassador Edgardo Valdés met with the Member of Parliament for the Green Party, Ricardo Menéndez March, co-President of the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Latin America and the Caribbean.

At the meeting at Parliament's headquarters, the Ambassador thanked the interest of the group members in our region and highlighted the important contribution they can make to the development of relations with our countries and in particular with Cuba.

Cuban Ambassador participates in Commemoration for victims of terrorism.

Christchurch, March 13. Ambassador Edgardo Valdés attended the national ceremony to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attacks against two mosques in this city, on March 15, 2019.

With the presence of the Governor-General, the Prime Minister, other political figures, relatives of the victims, and the Diplomatic Corps, among others, the message "We are one" and the condemnation of terrorism were emphasized at the ceremony.

Promoting academic exchange between Cuba and New Zealand.

Wellington, March 11. Ambassador Edgardo Valdés received Karim Dickie, Executive Director of the Caribbean Council and President of the Wellington chapter of the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA).

Both exchanged on the international situation and Cuban foreign policy and agreed to hold a joint event on these issues soon.

Contacts were also established to promote academic exchange between these institutions and the Cuban Center for International Policy Research.


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