Consular office of Cuba in Pretoria
Working hours
Monday- Friday
From 8:30 to12:30
45 Mackenzie Street
Brooklyn 0181
Contact phone: 012 881 6389
087 898 0018
Email contact:
Consular office of Cuba in Pretoria
Working hours
Monday- Friday
From 8:30 to12:30
45 Mackenzie Street
Brooklyn 0181
Contact phone: 012 881 6389
087 898 0018
Email contact:
Tourist Visa (tourist card)
Family Visa (A-2)
Journalist Visa (D-6)
Business Visas
Other visas
Application for residence in Cuba
Legalization and certification of documents
Marriage in Cuba
Marriage abroad
All Cuban citizens travelling abroad who requests a service from any Cuban consulate abroad (except for those Travelling Abroad up to 24 months), should be registered in the consular register.
They should request the registration, directly in the consulate.
They should present the corresponding form with all the data filled out, the photocopy of his/her passport and two photos. This step is personal, nonetheless, in exceptional cases the service can be provided via e-mail and for that an envelope with stamps must be sent and the address for receiving the consular registration card, which must be presented to request any service in the Consulate. The consular fee stipulated for this service must be paid.
NOTE: If the application is made via e-mail or through a third person, if the Cuban citizen does not appear in person at the consulate, the non-personal tariff rate established in such cases will be charged additionally.
Only cash payment will be accepted, by means of a clearance certificate or bank transfer. The cash sent via e-mail will be returned at the risk of the applicant.
In order to renew or issue a new passport is needed:
In the case of a lost passport, in addition to the requirements (from 2 to 5) a loss form issued by the police of the locality where the loss took place must be presented alongside the photocopy of the lost passport, if he/she does not have it, a birth certificate or another identification confirming the Cuban citizenship must be presented.
If the procedure is via e-mail a bank transfer must be sent in advance to the consulate account, and an envelope with enough stamps to return the documents via mail. Cash payments via e-mail will not be accepted.
If you are urged to use the passport in the next few months, a new passport should be requested two months in advance. Nonetheless you can request a new passport six months ahead of the expiry date.
NOTE: If the application is via e-mail or through a third person, the non-personal consular tariff rate will be additionally charged.
Only cash payment will be accepted, through clearance certificate or bank transfer. The money sent via mail will be returned at the risk of the applicant.
All the data requested and in negative cases or none, fill with a dash, if you leave any data in blank it will be taken as: none
The acronym used in the Migration Status when leaving Cuba are taken as follows:
This service can be provided in two forms:
Personally at the consulate
1. Presenting the passport
2. Filling out the application form.
3. A color photo, front, with naked face, no dark glasses and no objects on the head.
4. The stipulated consular tariff for this service must be in cash or through bank certificate.
5. Presenting the consular card.
Application via e-mail
The Cuban passport is good for 6 years and is extended for two years every two years. Given that the extensions take place every two years, in order to be authorized for a second extension, the rights for the first has to be paid.
NOTE: If the application is made via e-mail or through a third person, the non-personal tariff rate established in such cases will be charged additionally.
Only cash payment will be accepted, by means of clearance certificate or bank transfer. The cash sent via e-mail will be returned at the applicant’s risk.
Reference about the filling out
All the data requested and in negative cases or none, fill with a dash, if you leave any data in blank it will be taken as: none
The acronym used in the Migration Status when leaving Cuba are taken as follows:
The identity and travel document replaces the Cuban passport when the latter is lost, stolen, or expired and you are urged to travel to Cuba, presenting the papers justifying this. This document is authorized by Cuban migration authorities. It is only used to enter Cuba.
For the issuing of an Identity Document you should present:
The following data must be provided:
The stipulated consular tariff rate for this service will be through certified payment, in cash or bank transfer and if the application is via mail an envelope with stamps must be attached so that the document could be sent back.
WARNING: The Cuban citizens’ children residing abroad, who are not given identity papers by migration authorities of the country they are living, due to the country’s legislation, and whose parents are interested in giving him/her Cuban citizenship, he/she should make contact with the Cuban consulate to get information about this procedure.
NOTE: If the application is via e-mail or through a third person, the non-personal consular tariff rate will be additionally charged.
Only cash payment will be accepted, through clearance certificate or bank transfer. The cash sent via mail will be returned at the risk of the applicant.
Extension to stay abroad for over 24 months:
The Cuban citizens who are unable to return to Cuba for some justified reason in a 24-month period and want to keep the migration status of temporary travel, may request the extension for over 24 months in the Cuban Consulate.
For this application the interested party must:
Application for Residence Abroad
Generally the migration status of the Resident Abroad is granted for Cuban citizens with marital unions (formalized or not) with citizens of other countries, living abroad. Also the parents and children under 18 years of age or disabled, of Cuban citizens with the RE migration status. Also for close relatives in the national territory living with RE Cuban citizen, when it is evident that they have lost part of their protection or are unfit for work. When there are other reasons being humanitarian or family supporting the resident status of the interested person abroad. This process is authorized by Cuban migration authorities. For requesting the RE the following steps are required:
I. Transcription and formalization at the Consulate of the marriage held before the authorities of the foreign country. If the transcription has not been made, the corresponding documents should requested from the Consulate.
II. Application for Residence Abroad. The Cuban spouse should carry out the procedures indicated below:
If this application is for an underage the original Birth Certificate must be attached.
The Consulate will send the aforesaid document to the Cuban Immigration Office.
The fact of having requested the change of travel status does not mean it is given automatically, it can be denied or granted.
Once the applicant is given the RE (the consulate will inform you) he/she can leave and return to Cuba whenever he/she wants and stay in the national territory up to 12 months without losing his/her Resident Abroad status.
Duties are:
The opportunities offered by this status are:
The authorization of multiple entry passport allows the entry to Cuba at will without additional procedure to its application. This allows Cuban immigrants to stay in Cuba for 90 days, a stay which can be exceptionally extended, requesting it directly from the Cuban Immigration Office in the nearest place of residence of his/her family in Cuba.
The authorization is not conceived for RE holders.
The authorization is a one-off procedure. When approved the authorization is valid indefinitely unless it is revoked. The application is made at the Cuban Consulate where you got registered, which will be in contact with the Cuban immigration service for its approval or rejection. You should fill out the consular form with this aim.
In order to travel to Cuba the authorization must be embossed on the Cuban citizen’s passport. Although it is approved, the authorization must be on the passport for the entry.
The Cuban émigrés who left the country prior to 1971 can travel to Cuba with foreign passport making the application at the consular office of a single door room called HE-11.
In order to enter Cuba, the Cuban émigré should present an accreditation document of residence in a foreign country together with the authorization.
In case of a denied authorization, his/her family in Cuba can make the application for entry authorization (HE-11) which is given under humanitarian reasons (serious illness or death of close relatives). This entry can only be requested in Cuba before the immigration authorities and is applied for by the Cuban citizen’s relatives.
Application for residence in the national territory (HE-4)
It is approved by the Cuban immigration authorities, for the entry in the national territory of Cuban émigrés who want to reinstate in Cuba permanently. The applications will be submitted in the consular offices by the interested parties. The application file for residence in the national territory is made up with the following documents:
A) Present the application form
B) Present the valid Cuban passport
C) Notify the person of reference that he or she is responsible for securing accommodation and support in Cuba when needed until the interested party can have his/her own home and income. This will must be expressed through the notarial deed in Cuba, by the reference when immigration summoned him/her for such purposes.
D) Pay the consular fee, as applicable, in accordance with current legislation.
The repatriation process is carried out by the Cuban immigration authorities, so that if required, the applicant must submit any other document that is requested by the competent authorities. The consulate will be in charge of notifying the abovementioned to the applicant.
In the case of children who wish to repatriate without one or both parents they must present a power of attorney (notary document) in favor of the person who will take custody of the child, granted by the parent or parents who do not accept the repatriation process.
In order to marry abroad the Cuban citizen should present:
I. For a single person:
II. For a divorced person
III. For a widow or widower
These documents must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba and the Embassy of the country in Havana.
In countries that require it, with the abovementioned documents, the consulate issues a Certificate for the foreign authorities for the formalization of the marriage and must pay the stipulated fee for this service.
Marriage in Cuba:
Marriages between foreign citizens or between Cuban citizens and foreign citizens are carried out in International Legal Consultations and Law Firms. Foreign citizens must present the following documents.
I. For a single person:
• Birth Certificate
• Single Status Certificate issued by the Mayor’s office or made before a notary. The document must be within six months of issue.
II. For a divorced person
• Birth Certificate
• Divorce Decree
III. For a widow or widower
• Birth Certificate
• Marriage Certificate
• Death Certificate of the Spouse
These documents must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba and the Embassy of the country in Havana.
In countries that require it, with the abovementioned documents, the consulate issues a Certificate for the foreign authorities for the formalization of the marriage and must pay the stipulated fee for this service.
The documents must be translated by a sworn translator and legalized, both the original and the translation, by the competent authorities. Subsequently it must be legalized by the Consulate of Cuba or otherwise legalize only the original by the competent authorities and then carry out the translation in the Cuban Consulate, which must be equally legalized
You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service.
NOTE: If the request is made by mail or through a third person, you will be charged in addition, the consular fee stipulated for this service.
Transcript of marriage in the civil registry of Cuba
After marriage by the authorities of the country, the act must be transcribed in the corresponding Cuban Consulate, for its final recognition in Cuba.
To these effects, the following documents are essential:
You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service through certified bank, in cash or bank transfer. The charged services are: The legalization before the Consulate of the certification of foreign marriage, translation and legalization of this, if necessary and all transcription and registration procedures. This process is always done in a personal way.
The recognition in Cuba of a firm divorce decree, issued by a foreign court, against which no appeal or appeal can be made, is made through the Registrar procedure, that is to say through the Marginal Note.
The Family Code in its Article 64 provides for the possibility of registration of a divorce decree issued by a foreign court, that is, the decision of divorce issued by a foreign court of a marriage celebrated in Cuba or celebrated abroad and legalized In the Cuban consulate, can be registered. For processing, the following indications shall apply:
Procedure for the processing of a Registration Divorce
This procedure has a duration of three months to complete the process.
NOTE: If the request is made by post or through a third person, the consular fee stipulated for this service will be charged in addition.
Only cash payment will be accepted, through clearance certificate or bank transfer. The cash sent via mail will be returned at the risk of the applicant.
Procedure for the processing of a Judicial Divorce
When the divorce process is to be done under the requirements of Cuban law:
The spouses (or one of them) must request individually a Special Power of divorce, before the consular official. You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service.
When only one spouse applies for divorce, the spouse must provide the other's address. If you do not know the address of your spouse you must make a statement about it.
Documents to be delivered or filled out at the Consulate at the time of application:
You must pay the stipulated consular fee for the processing of the judicial divorce file.
You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service.
This process is always personal.
Data of the person who performs the power.
Data of the representative person (proxy)
You should pay the consular fee stipulated for this service
This is a personal process.
Data of the person who performs the power
Data of the representative person (proxy)
For this procedure you must specify IN DETAIL the reasons why you want to be represented by your proxy.
Writing of authorization for the preparation of passports and / or travel abroad by parents or legal representatives of persons under 18 or disabled:
This process is personal.
Article 23 of Decree Law 305 establishes the requirement to provide the authorization formalized before a Notary Public of the parents or legal representatives that correspond, of the minors of 18 years of age or incapacitated at the time of the application for making a passport.
Such authorization shall be required only once, maintaining its validity, provided that it has not been revoked.
This authorization can be made before the consular officer for it must submit:
the underage’s Birth Certificate of issued by registry of the civil status of Cuba.
Cuban passport of the father (when he is a Cuban citizen) o Permanent identity document of the father (when the latter is not a Cuban citizen)
If the parents submit an authorization issued before a notary of the country, which must comply with the established formalities, it must be legalized by the consular office, applying the corresponding fee.
Parents may also submit an authorization issued to a notary in Cuba, provided that it is legalized by MINREX.
Documents that authorize both parents in the same document may be made or accepted. Authorizations for more than one child may not be made or accepted in the same document.
You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service.
This is a personal process.
Data of the person who has the power
Data of the representative person (proxy)
Special power of appearance
You should pay the consular fee stipulated for this service
This is a personal process
Data of the applicant:
Data of the Defendant:
Data of Marriage:
The marriage certificate is needed.
Other facts:
(Specify if they are adults or under age)
Attach Birth Certificate of each.
Witnesses’ statements
(Two witnesses are needed)
Data of the First Witness:
Data of the Second Witness:
You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service.
This process is personal
Data of the person who performs the power (Heir)
Data of the person to inherit
The birth transcript is made for those born abroad, the children of Cuban citizens. The accomplishment of this act does not imply the automatic obtaining of the Cuban citizenship, since this is obtained with prior fulfillment of that established in the Citizenship Law of the year 1944.
For the application you must submit:
When the death of a Cuban citizen in another country occurs, it must be transcribed in the Cuban consulate, for later registration in Cuba. The following requirements must be fulfilled:
Legalization and certification of documents
The foreign documents that will be used in Cuba for legal proceedings must be legalized and certified by the corresponding authorities in the country.
The documents must be translated by a sworn and legalized translator, the original and the translation, by the competent authorities and then by the Cuban Consulate or otherwise legalize only the original by the competent authorities and then carry out the translation at the Consulate of Cuba as well as the legalization of the original and the translation.
You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service.
NOTE: If the request is made by post or through a third person, in addition, the consular fee of non-personal processing will be charged.
All payments must be made in cash, by means of certified bank payment or by bank transfer. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.
Request of Documents to Cuba
Birth Certificate
Driver’s license Certificate
Single Status Certificate
Certificate of legal capacity for marriage
Criminal Record Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Divorce Decree Certificate
Certificate of Acts of Last Will
Declaration of Heirs
Migration Certification
Certification of Aliens
Certification of Nationality
Certification of Citizenship
Certification issued by educational center
Baptismal Certificate
Death Certificate
Location of whereabouts
All requests for documents from Cuba have the same steps.
Directly at the Consulate you must present:
For the application by mail you must send:
If you cannot provide all the data requested in the different forms,
Must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service at the price of the service for the costs of searching data in Cuba.
The minimum term of obtaining this certification is from 6 months, except the Certification of criminal records that is obtained in 2 months.
NOTE: If the request is made by post or through a third person, the consular fee of non-personal processing will be charged in addition.
All payments must be made in cash, by means of payment certified bank or bank transfer. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.
Transfer of corpses to Cuba / Transfer of ashes to Cuba:
When it is desired to transfer the corpse or ashes of a Cuban citizen who died abroad to Cuba, we advise that the relatives communicate directly with the nearest Consulate of Cuba, who will inform him of the procedures and procedures to follow for these cases.
The tourist visa or tourist card is only used for trips of foreign citizens who wish to make tourism to Cuba. Valid for a single entry to the national territory on a 30-day trip and you can extend 30 days at the hotel desk where you are staying or before the immigration authorities.
Underage must have their tourist card even if they are registered in the parents' passports.
Documents needed to obtain directly from the consulate:
Documents needed to obtain it by postal mail
NOTE: If the request is made by mail or through a third person, the consular fee stipulated for this service will be charged in addition.
All payments must be made in cash, by means of payment certified bank or bank transfer. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.
Spouses or children of Cuban citizens of another nationality who travel to Cuba and wish to stay with their Cuban family members must present the passport and document that guarantees the relationship.
To pay the consular fee stipulated for this service in cash,
Payment bank certificate or bank transfer.
If the same request is made by mail you must send:
To pay the stipulated consular fee for this service in cash, means of payment certified bank or bank transfer.
NOTE: If the request is made by mail or through a third person, the consular fee stipulated for this service will be charged in addition,.
All payments must be made in cash, by means of payment certified bank or bank transfer. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.
The journalist visa must be requested by the interested party to the press office at the Cuban Embassy and once the Consulate is notified of the approval, the interested party will be presented at the Consulate during opening hours.
Documents to be submitted:
If the same request is made by mail you must send:
NOTE: If the request is made by mail or through a third person, the consular fee stipulated for this service will be charged in addition.
All payments must be made in cash, by means of payment certified bank or bank transfer. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.
To obtain visas that are processed directly by agencies and institutions in Cuba through the Immigration and Aliens Department, interested parties should contact the consulates and verify if the authorization has already been received.
Business visas must be requested by the interested party to the commercial office at the Embassy of Cuba and once the Consulate is notified of the approval, the interested party must be presented at the Consulate during opening hours.
Documents to be submitted:
If the same request is made by mail you must send:
NOTE: If the request is made by mail or through a third person, the consular fee stipulated for this service must be paid in addition.
All payments must be made in cash, by means of payment certified bank or bank transfer. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.
To obtain visas processed by agencies and institutions in Cuba through the Immigration and Aliens Department, interested parties should contact the consulates and verify if the authorization has already been received.
There are other types of visas, depending on the purpose of the trip: visas for students, visas for events, among others. In order to obtain any of them, the interested party must contact the Consulate of Cuba in the corresponding country and request information about them.
Application for residence in Cuba
Applications for PERMANENT RESIDENTS will be made by the interested foreigners, in the consulates, to which they will accompany:
You must pay the consular fee stipulated for this service in cash, by bank certificate or bank transfer.
Note: The documents must be translated by a sworn translator and legalized, the original and the translation, by the competent authorities and then by the Cuban Consulate or otherwise legalized only the original by the competent authorities and then carry out the translation in the Consulate of Cuba as well as the legalization of the original and the translation.
All payments must be made in cash or by means of certified bank payment. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.
For the trip of a companion animal to Cuba the consulate must be asked for a certificate.
Necessary documents:
By mail:
NOTE: If the request is made by mail or through a third person,the consular fee stipulated for this service will be charged in addition.
All payments must be made in cash, by means of payment certified bank or bank transfer. The cash sent by mail will be rejected and returned at the risk of the applicant.