Cubans get Laventille hospitality
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, Laventille West MP Fitzgerald Hinds, Laventille East/Morvant MP Adrian Leonce and Trade and Industry minister Paula Gopee Scoon were among guests at the official welcome for El Con junto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba, held at Success Laventille Secondary School 011 March 5.
Success Laventille Secondary School launched its Cuba-Trinidad and Tobago Educational and Cultural Exchange, reciprocal visit with the approval of the Ministry of Education.
In 2015, Success Laventille Sec- ondary School and its Steel Or- chestra, Success Stars Pan Sounds
visited Cuba on the invitation of the Cuban Institute of Music and Government of Cuba.
Ode to the Revolution - Tribute to 'El Comandante' Fidel Castro Ruz
The Association of Caribbean States paid tribute to late Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, a towering figure in Caribbean and world history. The diplomatic corps gathered at the ACS Secretariat in Port-of-Spain on February 9th, to honour Fidel Castro in speech and song, and to look at the documentary Oda a la Revolución, by filmmaker Roberto Chile. Here is a photo gallery of the event. The event was streamed on our Facebook page. Here is the link:
Celebrating Jose Marti
the Cuban Fmbassy, in collaboration with the Latin American-Car-ibbean Centre and the Department of History of the University of the West Indies, paid tribute to Cuban National Hero, Jose Marti.
The event, which was hosted on the 164thanniversary of Marti’s birthday, was held at the Alma Jordan Library, UWI Campus, St Augustine.
TT House pays tribute to Fidel.
House pays tribute to Fidel
Saturday, December 3 2016
FORMER Cuban President Fidel Castro’s relentless commitment to improvements and change for the better was not just to Cuba and the Caribbean but extended beyond said House Speaker Brigid Annisette- George as the House of Representatives paid tribute to Castro yesterday.
The House of Representatives also observed a minute’s silence to pay respects to the late Cuban leader who died on November 25.