Mr. President;
The delegation of Cuba congratulates you on your election and wishes you success in the discharge of your duties. You can count on our support and full cooperation.
Cuba welcomes the establishment of this Open-Ended Working Group of the General Assembly, in accordance with resolution 73/27 adopted last year and the commencement of its works.
We fully support the adoption of the provisional agenda and the rules of procedure of the Open-Ended Working Group.
Mr. President:
Cuba has consistently reiterated that, because of its high significance for all Member States, the issue of information and telecommunications in the context of international security should be examined in an open, democratic, transparent and inclusive Working Group of the General Assembly, which would allow for the equal participation of all States in the discussions and in the decision-making process.
For the Cuban delegation, the commencement of the works of this intergovernmental group represents an event of great significance and a very positive twist in the discussion of the issue within the United Nations, which will make it possible, in an effective manner and on the basis of cooperation and understanding, to find multilateral solutions to the growing challenges and threats we face in cyberspace.
Cybersecurity is a major problem that affects everyone. Recently, news have been widely spread about the negative impact of cyber-attacks that have affected several countries at the same time.
We express our deep concern about the covert and illegal use by individuals, organizations and states of the computer systems of other nations to attack third countries, given their potential to spark international conflicts.
We reject the hostile use of telecommunications for the declared or covert purpose of subverting the legal and political systems of States, as it constitutes a violation of the internationally recognized norms in this area, the effects of which may generate unfavorable tensions and situations for international peace and security.
We reiterate that the use of new information and communications technologies must be fully consistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and International Law.
We reject all attempts to turn cyberspace into a theatre for military operations and to legitimize, within that context, unilateral punitive actions of force by States claiming to be victims of unverified illicit uses of ICTs.
We hope that this Working Group will carry out its task and agree by consensus on its recommendations, including those in the area of: international rules, norms and principles for responsible State behavior in the use of information and communications technologies; in the establishment of effective institutional arrangements to address this problem within the United Nations; in the promotion of common understandings on the threats and challenges in the area of information security and possible cooperative measures to address them; in how international law applies to the use of information and communications technologies, in confidence-building measures and in terms of capacity-building for developing countries.
We seek all the support for the good performance of the Group also through the dissemination of all the working documents that are presented.
We believe that this intergovernmental process can contribute to adopt of a legally binding international instrument that will allow to effectively address the significant legal gaps that are currently being seen in the context of cybersecurity and to establish institutional arrangements under the auspices of the United Nations to enhance international consultation and cooperation.
Cuba reiterates that information and telecommunications should be tools to promote well-being, knowledge and human development, on the basis of the strict adherence to the UN Charter and International Law. They should be instruments to promote peace and not to promote war, the use of force, interventionism, destabilization, unilateralism or terrorist actions.
Thank you