Mr. Chairman;
We thank the Under-Secretary-General for Management, Ms. Catherine Pollard, and Mr. Chandru Ramanathan, Assistant Secretary-General and Controller, for the presentations made on the Organization´s financial situation.
My delegation associates itself with the statement delivered by Guinea on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
Mr. Chairman,
Today, we are facing one of the most critical moments in the history of mankind. Our species is severely ravaged by a global pandemic, climate change stays on its course, exclusion remains unabated and poverty aggravates, despite the efforts of many countries.
Against such a complex backdrop, the United Nations is our most useful tool to work together in order to achieve a better and more sustainable future.
Yet, we observe with concern how the lack of financial resources that the Organization has undergone in recent years has seriously jeopardized the cardinal functions that it should fulfill.
Mr. Chairman,
In view of the compelling need for financial resources to enable the United Nations programmes to be implemented, it is not morally justifiable that the country with the largest assessment due to its excess capacity to pay, the United States of America, intentionally decides to withhold its contributions to this Organization.
It is inadmissible and ethically condemnable that virtually 80 percent of the UN's historical debt in its regular budget is attributable to non-payments by the United States, despite being the world's leading economic power.
Something similar occurs if we refer to the budget for peacekeeping operations, despite considering themselves the champions of freedom. Nearly 54 percent of the total outstanding contributions under this line item are due to delayed payments by the U.S.
This situation is nothing but a kind of financial pressure and boycott against the Organization. Excuses of any kind are unacceptable. The allegation of the fiscal year cycle cannot be used, when the United Nations budgets are predictable and are prepared in advance.
Nor is valid the assertion of extra-budgetary contributions, which are intentionally directed to programmes of their sole interest, leaving out the multilateral essence upon which the Organization is based.
Mr. Chairman,
We reiterate our call to all Member States to pay their contributions to the Organization on time, in full and without conditions. At the same time, we must take into account the special situations of some developing countries, which are prevented from honoring their commitments, beyond their political will.
On the other hand, we reject the financial persecution maneuvers and asset freezing to which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been subjected by the United States, which has brought about serious impacts on its ability to pay. This also constitutes a flagrant violation of the responsibilities that should be exercised by the Host country.
Mr. Chairman,
To date, Cuba has fully complied with all its payments, by making colossal efforts and sacrifices, despite having to deal this year with a strained economic situation, primarily associated with a complex resurgence of the COVID-19 and the immovable economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States, which does not even recedes an inch in the face of the humanitarian implications of this pandemic.
We feel honored to make our modest contribution to the functioning of this Organization. We hope that in the same way, all Member States will pay their assessed contributions in full and on time, which is the only way to overcome the current lack of liquidity.
Thank you.