Residents in Belgium organize Noche Cubana (Cuban Night) as a fundraising event

Residents in Belgium organize Noche Cubana (Cuban Night) as a fundraising event

Residents in Belgium organize Noche Cubana (Cuban Night) as a fundraising event

The Danshuis De Ingang dance academy hosted a Noche Cubana in Ghent to raise funds for the La Maleta Solidaria (The Solidarity Suitcase) initiative, coordinated by Cuban women living in that Belgian city, on June 17, 2023.

The show was led by several teachers from the academy, including Cuban Lisette Herrera Ches, coordinator of the initiative.

This evening was a time of exchange between Cubans living in various Belgian cities and members of the Cuban solidarity movement. The organizers commented that the proceeds will be used to buy supplies and cover the cost of sending suitcases with donations to schools and health care centers in Cuba.

La Maleta Solidaria is an initiative created in the summer of 2022, in the context of the accident at the Matanzas supertanker base. A group of Cuban women living in Belgium mobilized to collect medical supplies for the victims of the accident. Since then, donations have diversified to include school supplies and toys. This initiative is developed in coordination with several Cuban institutions, especially with the "A Cuba hay que quererla" project (Cuba must be loved). So far, 8 suitcases have been sent.

Since then, donations have diversified to include school supplies and toys. This initiative is developed in coordination with several Cuban institutions, especially with the project "A Cuba hay que quererla". So far, 8 suitcases have been sent.

In June, other activities were carried out with the participation of the Cuban community, including the celebration of a Noche Cubana in the city of Ypres with the participation of the coordinators of La Maleta Solidaria, and the activity for International Children's Day with the children of Cuban residents and the members of the Embassy.

Comunidad cubana
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