Nairobi, July 7, 2023- Cuban diplomats and native workers celebrate this 7th July the World Kiswahili Language Day, as declared by UNESCO in its 41st Session, Paris, 2021. Kiswahili is the first African language to be recognized in such a manner by the UN.
7th July was the day in 1954 that Tanganyika African National Union(TANU) under the late Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, FirstPresident of the United Republic of Tanzania, adopted Kiswahilias a unifying language for independence struggles.Indeed, former President and Father of the Nation of Kenya, thelate Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, also used Kiswahili language throughthe use of the popular “Harambee” slogan in mobilizing thepeople of Kenya in the struggle against colonialism.
In addition, on 7th July 2000, the East African Community (EAC)was re-established to rekindle the spirit of cooperation andintegration among the East African people of the UnitedRepublic of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda where Kiswahililanguage is widely spoken. Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudanlater joined the EAC and are now members.
Today we celebrate the role the Kiswahili language plays in promoting cultural diversity, creating awareness and fostering dialogue among civilizations.