Cuba participates in the panel on the enhancement of the cultural heritage associated with the Coffee Route.

Paris, March 1st. Today afternoon, the Cuban Ambassador to UNESCO, Yahima Esquivel Moynelo participated in the Panel on the enhancement of the cultural heritage associated with the coffee route.

The Panel was also attended by the Minister of Culture and Communication of Haiti, Emmelie PROPHETE, with representatives of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and a young Haitian archaeologist.

Ambassador Esquivel shared Cuba’s experience in managing the archaeological landscape of coffee plantations in the southeast of the country, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The integrated management of heritage, the management of tourism in archaeological sites and the role of cooperation for the sustainable development of carrier communities were some of the aspects addressed. 

This important initiative is part of the activities associated with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the UNESCO project "Routes of enslaved people: resistance, freedom and heritage".

Permanent Mission of Cuba to UNESCO

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