Cuba wins a Silver medal and Honorable Mention at the 34th International Informatics Olympiad, held in Indonesia.

Jakarta, September 7- Under the theme "Digital Power of Asia", the 34th International Informatics Olympiad was held at the Ramayana Ballet Prambanan complex in the province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

During the nine days of competition, the participants faced 357 contestants from more than 90 countries in several sessions, an occasion in which the Greater Antilles was worthily represented by the pre-university students, Alberto Leyva Guerra, who obtained a silver medal, Manuel Darío Oliver Ballesteros, with Honorable Mention and by his teacher, Leonardo Cardona Luque.

The event was themed on Digital Energy of Asia, with the purpose of first: to identify and encourage highly talented young people in the field of computer science, second: to build international friendships between computer scientists and educators, third: to introduce the discipline of informatics to young people; fourth: promote computer skills in pre-university schools and, finally, encourage other countries to host future competitions.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Technology and Research of Indonesia, Mr. Suharti said: "For Indonesia, this event is not only an achievement, but also a way to increase the skills and knowledge of arithmetic (computational thinking) for Indonesian youth in the context of independent learning".

The Organizing Committee awarded 180 medals: 91 bronze, 59 silver and 30 gold and in an unprecedented way, this year has been the first to present the category of Honorable Mention, which appreciates the hard work and outstanding achievements of 36 participants. with high scores.The 2022 winners were representatives from various parts of the world: the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean.

The president of the General Assembly of the International Informatics Olympiad, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hayu, highlighted the number of female programmers who participated and took home gold medals. “The female contestants and team leaders took this opportunity excellently, paving the way for future generations,” she commented.

During the occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development, Muhadjir Effendy, symbolically passed the baton to the host of the next Olympiad in 2023 to Hungary.

The 34th International Informatics Olympiad was organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, in collaboration with the provincial governments of Jakarta and Yogyakarta, partners including the Indonesian Informatics Olympiad Team Alumni Association and the Indonesian Institute of the Arts of Yogyakarta.

Embassy of Cuba in Indonesia.


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