Cuban mothers in Ghana receive homage

The celebration of the Mother's Day summoned a part of the Cuban community resident in Ghana, who together with the members of the Cuban State Mission reaffirmed that “Cubanism” is an element of unity when the respect is present.

The celebration began with the words of the Coordinator of the Association of Cubans Residents in Ghana, Mrs. Yindra Semanat Cutiño, who expressed the meaning of the occasion; she was followed by the Cuban Ambassador, Mr. Pedro L. Despaigne González, who on behalf of all congratulated the Cuban mothers in the country and called on all to continue maintaining and defending the ties with the land that gave birth to them. For his part, Israel Soto Candebat, considered the Dean of the Cuban Residents in the country, recited three poems of his own inspiration dedicated expressly to the mothers.

A group of the children also participated in the celebration, as the result of the relationship between Cuban women with Ghanaians, who mostly studied in Cuba. There were also the Cuban's own joy, the typical Cuban food and contagious music. 

Comunidad cubana