Embassy of Cuba donates painting to Namibian Independence Museum.

Giraldo Mazola Collazo, Cuban Ambassador to Namibia, delivered to Genhart Gurirab, General Curator of the Independence Museum, a photo of the Hosea Kutaku School, which completes a special collection about Namibian education before Independence.

The Hosea Kutaku and Hendrik Witbooi Schools, both located on the Isle of Youth, were the ones that received during the 70s and 80s thousands of young Namibians, several hundred of them survivors of the Cassinga massacre.

The Museum has photos of the study centers abroad where the young Namibians were formed, but a sample of Cuban institutions was missing.

The Ambassador explained that during those years, around 25 thousand young Africans of different nationalities were simultaneously studying in the Isle of Youth. In addition, "Cuba placed as a condition that the countries of origin of students had to send with them a professor of history and another of geography from these nations." The flag that was in Cuban schools was the country of the student", he explained.

"Many of the graduates from these schools are prominent men and women from Namibia," said the Ambassador.

For his part, the curator thanked the gesture of the Cuban Embassy and expressed his satisfaction for the possibility to complete the collection. Gurirab was excited to "appreciate the place where many Namibian brothers and sisters studied and graduated." He also highlighted the historical relations between Cuba and Namibia.

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