Henry Reeve International Contingent is nominated in Vietnam for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize

Vietnamese academics and intellectuals nominated the Cuban International Contingent of Doctors Specialized in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics, Henry Reeve, for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.

Professors from senior educational centers  joined this initiative, including researchers from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, attached to the National University of Vietnam, based in Hanoi, and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Culture, Language and Development of Education .

The proposal was also supported by researchers from the Institute for African and Middle Eastern Studies, of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, as well as the University of Natural Resources and Environment, in Ho Chi Minh City.

Numerous voices of intellectuals, academics, parliamentarians, and solidarity groups have risen around the world to support the nomination for the Nobel Prize to the contingent of Cuban doctors, an institution with an outstanding international record in fighting COVID-19, by sending doctors to more than 40 countries and autonomous territories.

In more than 15 years of work, the Contingent has stood out for its support to the fight against Ebola in Africa, Cholera in Haiti, and its assistance after natural disasters to countries such as Belize, Bolivia, Chile, China, Dominica , Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Indonesia, Fiji Islands, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru and Sierra Leone.

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