I can’t imagine Cuba without Socialism! Cuban Ambassador expresses to the Panafrican Television

The Ambassador of Cuba to Ghana, Pedro Luis Despaigne González, exchanged ideas with the journalist Kwesi Pratt in his program “Talk time with Kwesi Pratt” in the Panafrican Television.

In an interview led by Kwesi Pratt the Cuban Ambassador to Ghana, answered a group of questions links with: the formation and the composition of the Cuban Nationhood; the struggle of the independence against the Spanish colonialism in the nineteenth Century; the changes in Cuba with the Triumph of the Revolution in 1959; the policy of the U.S. government against the Cuban Revolution; the current situation of the economic blockade and the solidarity with Cuba in its struggle for its lifting; the role of Cuba in the liberation of the African countries; the challenges and perspectives of the Cuban Revolution.

The Cuban Ambassador talked on the slavery in Cuba, and how the slavery marked the composition of the Cuban population. In the same way, he expressed the contribution of the afro descendants in the struggle for the national independence, and put as example the role of the Major General Antonio Maceo Grajales. On the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the Ambassador demonstrated that the Revolution changed the live of millions of Cubans, especially with the social transformations in the Health and Educational systems. He signaled that the Cuban Revolution eradicated the illiteracy and created a new and massive Health Care System.

Before the question about the real cause of the hostility of the U.S. towards Cuba, the Ambassador ratified that the cause of the attack against Cuban Revolution is the decision of the Cuban people to build its own destiny, cutting the neocolonial subordination to the northern neighbor. According to the Ambassador the U.S. government sponsored the terrorist attacks and other different modalities of aggression aimed at destroying the Cuban Revolution, among them the economic blockade, which still is in place.

The Cuban diplomat remarks on the historic ties between the Cuban Revolution and the African peoples, and thanked the solidarity of the African countries in the struggle for the elimination of the blockade, expressed by eight Resolutions approved by the African Union. The Ambassador in his words pays tribute to the former President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah and the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, fathers of the historic relationship between Ghana and Cuba.

The Ambassador addressed the policy of the popular defense of the Cuban Revolution and expressed that for Cuba the only way to preserve its independence is to continuing in the construction of the Socialism.

The Panafrican Television Channel broadcasts to all the West African countries, South Africa and the Republic Democratic of the Congo. Its director is Kwesi Pratt, an active member of the solidarity to Cuba. 

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