Mayor of Wellington supports greater exchanges with Cuba

Mayor Celia Wade - Brown

Wellington, December 17th, 2017. - During a meeting held with the Ambassador of Cuba, Mario Alzugaray, Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown expressed interest in promoting greater exchanges with the Caribbean country, noting that despite geographical distance and cultural differences, Cuba and New Zealand share multiple resemblances.

Both sides considered the importance of encouraging cultural exchanges through the establishment of direct links and contacts between artists of the two countries, as well as to promote the exchange of mutual experiences on local governance and administration with emphasis on economic, urban and environmental development plans with major social impact.

The Cuban diplomat offered Mayor Wade - Brown an overview on Cuba and the interest shown in his our country on New Zealand development path. The local leader in turn, provided information on Wellingtons Long Term Plan 2015 – 25, explaining the main lines of work of its management.

Mayor Wade-Brown, politically independent and with top priorities focused on transport, employment, creative and clean technology industries, as well as support for local communities, was first elected as mayor of Wellington in 2010.

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