To relatives and friends of Cuba's legendary friend Toivo Ya Toivo:
With great consternation we received the sad news of the physical disappearance of the legendary friend of Cuba Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, icon of solidarity with Cuba and Patron of the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association, with whom we had the privilege of sharing important moments only two days before his passing away.
Since he was young, Toivo dedicated his life to the struggle for just causes, with an extensive political trajectory. He was the founder of the SWAPO (South West African People's Organization Party). He fought against the opprobrious apartheid regime and he was sentenced to 20 years in prison, of which he served 16 on Roben Island with Nelson Mandela. Following the independence of Namibia, he continued firm to its political principles, looking over the future of a free and independent Namibia as it is today. He became a political figure with great prestige and very respected in his country.
He maintained excellent relations with Cuba and he always demonstrated his unconditional support and solidarity towards the Cuban Revolution, its leaders and people in general. For his attitude and consistency in the work of Solidarity was worthy of the Medal of Friendship granted by the Council of State on the proposal of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples.
He participated actively in all the activities in support of Cuba and its people, not only in Namibia but also in others international sceneries. He was the promoter of the International Campaign for the Liberation of the Five in his country during their 16 years of unjust imprisonment as well as other Cuban causes that we continue defending.
He was received in Cuba and ICAP on several occasions. He accompanied us at the III Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba held in Angola and honored us with his active presence in the recently finished V Continental Conference. We will always keep great memories about our friendship and his support to the Cuban delegation participating in the last Event of Solidarity held in Namibia.
Our dear friend Toivo is an example to follow for present and future generations, a dignified and revolutionary man, who accompanied Cuba until the last days of his life.
Cuba is honored to have had Toivo Ya Toivo as one of his most faithful friends and today with sincerely regrets his loss, with the conviction that he will always live in the heart of Namibians and Cubans.
Our most sincere condolences to his family, friends and his beloved Namibian people.
Fernando González Llort